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  "Hey guys." S.coups says pulling up a seat with his friends. "Glad to know you didn't die. From the blondie." Wonwoo says. "Yeah, he thinks he's all that." Jun says. "I swear him and his group are like the plastics of the school." S.coups sighs. "Where's Dk?" S.coups asks as right then the boy appears.

  "GOOD MORNING WORLD! YOUR LITTLE RAY OF SARCASTIC SUNSHINE HAS ARRIVED!" Dk yells sitting next to Jun. "SHHHHH. No one cares." Woozi shushed him. "I got a question, Who's the whack kid in the mullet?" Jun asked pointing towards Jeonghan's table. "That's The8, he's in my science doesn't speak decent Korean huge embarrassment." Woozi snickers as he tosses an apple into the air.

  "Hey watch this." Woozi smirks as he pulls his arm into a throwing position. "Woozi no-" S.coups tried to stop him, but it was to late the apple foew through the air and smacked The8 in the head. The boy cursed loudly in the head. "Jeonghan's gonna kill me." S.coups gasps and Jeonghan shot up immediately looking around the 2 locked eyes.
  Jeonghan knew what to do, he leaned down and whispered at Mingyu before pointing at S.coups's table. Mingyu nodded and grabbed the apple and walked over to the table. "Hey, who's apple?" Mingyu asked crouching down. "C'mon I don't bite." Mingyu smiled exposing his canines. "Mine." Woozi deadpans. "Come here and take it back."  Mingyu laughed as he held out his arm.

  When Woozi was about to take, Mingyu retracted his hand and stood up, Woozi gasped as he had to look up. Woozi was 5'5 while Mingyu was past 6 feet tall. Mingyu then easily snapped the apple in 2, he stuck half in Woozi's mouth and the other in Wonwoo's mouth. "Bye!" He smiled before walking over to his table.

  "God damn." Dk gasped as Wonwoo was wide eye, and Woozi was frozen in shock, both still had the apple in their mouth. "See? PLASTICS!" S.coups whispered yelled. Jun was about to make a comment but he say the boy who was hit, apparently The8. He was crying slightly Jeonghan and Someone else walked him out of the cafeteria. Jun felt slightly bad but he's not going to admit that.

  "One of them, has to be innocent. I think it may be The8." Jun finally said. "Dibs." Jun added. They watched as Jeonghan and the other person walk past their table. When Vernon got a glimpse at their butt he whistled. "Damn Princess that's one fine a$$." Vernon smirked. The guy stopped and walked back and looked at Vernon he leaned in and placed a hand on Vernon's cheek.

  "Me? Princess? No honey. I don't think so." He says leaning close to Vernon's ear. "I'm the queen." He says pinching Vernon's cheek before turning to the others. "Bye!" He said happily before walking away with sass. "Who tf was that?" Vernon asked holding his cheek. "Boo Seungkwan." Jeonghan says as he was standing behined S.coups causing him to jump.

  "C'mon were going." Jeonghan says. "But I haven't finished." S.coups says, Jeonghan grabbed his tray and dumped the eaten food into the trash as he set the tray on the cart. "Lets. Go." He orders and S.coups nods slightly and get up, saying bye to his friends. "Learn to control your friends." Jeonghan says to Seungcheol before they entered their next class.

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