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That day Seungcheol for some reason was nervous about aking Jeonghan about the party, he had a feeling Jeonghan would give him a whole lesson about it, plus a lecture.

  Seungcheol had acutally pushed it off all the way till afterschool. Soon he realized that he doesn't need some stupid boys permission.  "Jeonghan. I'm going to Dk's party on Friday." Seungcheol says. Jeonghan didn't say anything.

  "Jeonghan." Seungcheol says again, no answer. "YAH, Jeonghan I'm talking to you!" Seungcheol yells as he started getting annoyed. "Finsih your work then we'll talk." Jeonghan says turning back to his work.

After the painful time it took for him to finsih those stupid assignments, Seungcheol was done. "Ok I'm done." Seungcheol mocks Jeonghan. "I was thinking Firday, we fix you up." Jeonghan says looking Seungcheol up and down.

  "But why not." Seungcheol says. "Your not the boss of me!" Seungcheol snaps as he stands up from his bed. "You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequence of your choice." Jeonghan says also standing up.

  "You know what, we can move the makeover to Friday and Saturday, and you can go to the party on one condition." Jeonghan says. "And that is?" Seungcheol raised an eyebrow. "We all go." Jeonghan says. "No you don't mean-" Seungcheol started.

  "Yes, my whole group." Jeonghan says and Seungcheol let out a groan. "Do you guys even drink?!" He asked. "Except for Joshua and The8, yes we drink. Seungkwan is one heck of a partier." Jeonghan smiles. "Fineeee let me call Dk." Seungcheol rolls his eyes.

"Yo! Coups!" Dk yelled. "Ok, so I can go to the party. But- we have to let Jeonghan's whole group go to." Seungcheol says as silence fills the other side. "Vernon and Jun would love that, but Woozi and Wonwoo would kill me. But like, I want Joshua there so like their outvoted so sure." Dk says.

  "Ok, see you tomorrow." Seungcheol says ending the call, and Jeonghan texted his groupchat. "Y'all better not mess this up." Seungcheol says. "Could say the same to you." Jeonghan says.

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