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  Jeonghan smoothed down his hair for the 17th time this morning, he wanted to look his best for the Choi's. From what he heard about Seungcheol is that things may not be so easy. Jeonghan quickly got into his car and drove off to the school.

  It wasn't weird for Jeonghan to be driving to school on a Saturday but it sure was for Seungcheol, unless he was there to vandalize it. His mother kept trying to fix his hair, but he shoved her hand away as he scrolled through things on his phone. "Leave my hair alone." He says through gritted teeth.

  Jeonghan pulled into the parking, he was early and of course he planned that, he wanted to prove he valued time. He then heard the door to the school open. "Oh hello Jeonghan!" Mrs. Shon smiles as she walks out to the blonde haired boy. "Hello ma'am, how is your morning so far?" Jeonghan asks politely as he bows to the principal.

  "I've been doing fine, what about you?" She smiles and Jeonghan shrugs. "I've been fine, thanks." He said as he watched a black car pull into the parking lot. He watched as a couple emerged from the front and a boy around Jeonghan's age entered as he just stared at his phone, he was one of those kids.
  "Thank you so much Mrs. Shon, and you too Jeonghan." The lady smiles as Jeonghan nods. "Of course it was my pleasure. "Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" His father whispered yelled to their son. "Sup I'm Seungcheol." He says looking up from his phone, he had a good face but a resting b**ch face. "Are you sure you can handle him." His mother sighs.

  "Of course, I know what to do with trouble." Jeonghan smirks. "Let's start with a tour." Jeonghan says not even waiting for Seungcheol to respond he just starts dragging him. The whole time Jeonghan was talking Seungcheol was hardly paying attention, and it was ticking him off. Finally Jeonghan decided to do something about it.

  He snatched the phone out of Seungcheol's hand, but his didn't put it in his pocket. He shoved it down the front right side of his pants so it was inbetween his underwear. "Your not getting this back till the end. Unless you wanna risk sticking your hands down my pants." Jeonghan says and Seungcheol's eyes widen.

  "If not, let's continue." Jeonghan smiles sweetly. "Holy sh*t." Seungcheol murmurs under his breath, he did not expect the blonde to do that. "Wait what's your name?" Seungcheol asks the blonde. "My name was already said earlier, you just weren't paying attention." Jeonghan says and Seungcheol groans. "Yeah yeah, you got quite the attitude blondie." Seungcheol says.

  Jeonghan starts walking again. "My 'attitude' will always be based on how you treat me." He smiles as he motioned for Seungcheol to hurry up. "So do you like sports?" Jeonghan asked and Seungcheol nodded. "Yeah, I'm competitive tho." He says and Jeonghan nods, writing a mental note. Soon they reached the front doors. "So that will conclude the tour for now, I already saw your schedule and your in some of your classes." Jeonghan says.

"I don't need you in each class, I have my friends here too." Seungcheol snaps. "And how many of those are part of your lil gang?" Jeonghan asked crossing his arms. "Most." He growls. "Don't test me Choi, If you wanna play I'll fight back." He says grabbing Seungcheol by the ear catching the older by surprised as he swings his foot under knocking Seungcheol on his butt.

  "I'll show you who's in control." He smirks and Seungcheol looks shook. Jeonghan smiled as he held his hand of for Seungcheol who took it. "I still don't know your name." Seungcheol says. Jeonghan nods and pulls Seungcheol's phone from his pants. He types something on it, and texted himself. "Here text me your address, I'll be picking you up in the morning at 7." Jeonghan instructs and Seungcheol blinks.

  "Bye, it was nice meeting you guys." Jeonghan waves at the Choi's. "So how was he?" His father asked egarly, "He seemed like a total sweetheart." His mother adds. Seungcheol looked down at the contact the other made. "He was an angel." Seungcheol murmurs as he stares at his phone screen.

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