Do You Really Think I'm Strong

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Todoroki's POV
I washed up myself and was on my way to Izu's house but first I want to give him feel better gifts especially considering all that happened today. 7:36pm, (19:36) I must've really took my time beating up the scumbag, what a work out. Though that's not important. I went up to the shop and got him flowers and went to this hero inspired café and got him boba too cause I remember in one of our dates he was talking about it.

   My sister dropped me off at his house and I thanked her and went along and rang the doorbell. Izu's father opened the door and I stood with flowers and boba in hand and an awkward smile on my face.
   "H-hey Sir, I came to see your son Izu." He just glared at me and I nervously cleared my throat.
   "I just wanna say that I'm sorry about my behavior earlier today. It was crude and brash of me, I should've pained closer attention to him because as his boyfriend I should've been able to protect him yet I failed. I-" I started to get emotional and he patted on my back.
"Come on son, Izu's in his room. Maybe you'll more success to get him to open his door." I was invited into the Midoriya home and a depressing aura comes from Izuku's door. I reluctantly knocked on his door.
"Izu, it's me, Shouto. May I please talk to you? Can you please open the door?" I heard some shifting from the other side of the door and it opens to reveal Izu so depressed. It hurts me seeing him this way. I smiled at him.
"I brought you gifts, to make you feel less sad." He softly took the flowers and smelled them. He had a chaste smile on his face.
"Did it work?" He just nodded. I just there awkwardly at the entrance of his room.
"May I come in." He blushed for a moment and got out the doorway.
"Yes, I'm sorry."
"It's okay, you're just a little bit more absent minded as usual." I sat down on his bed and he turns on the light.
"I'll go out this in a vase, wait here if you want. I'll be right back." I look around in his room and I noticed that he framed the picture of us at the park. We looked so careless. Then I saw a box that peaked my interest.
He came back with a vase and almost dropped it running towards it.
"Don't open that box Shouto, the only people are gonna see it is me and the police!" I just stared in confusion as he got worried over me opening a box. He put the vase on his desk and sighed.
"Look, I'm sorry Sho, I overreacted but that's-"
"It's okay Izu, I shouldn't have been looking in your room like that." I say while grabbing his drink, offering it to him. "I bought you boba by the way if you-" He suddenly walked up to me and sat next to me grabbing my chest while starting to weep.
"What am I going to do?" He cries.
"What am I going to do Shouto! My mom is going to press charges against your father! I was too scared to say anything! The chief said I could delay giving my testimony if I went into forensics first and I acted as if I was fine but I was too scared to move!" I rubbed circles on his back as he bawled some more.
   "It's okay Izu, we'll get over this together. Things will get better." He got off of me and yelled at me.
"Izu..." I've never seen him like this before. This side of him recently, is completely foreign to me. He dropped his knees to the ground.
"I feel as if I can't do this anymore! Everything that happened to me, it's just too much stress for me to handle!" I came up to him and tried to hug him but he pushed me away.
"Don't touch me, I'm scared!" My eyes became soft and addressed him in a soft tone.
"Izu, can you tell me why you're so scared?" I gave him a reassuring smile and extended my hand. He hesitated for a moment but soon enough jumped into my arms hugging me tightly.
"I'm scared that I'm not strong enough. Everyone is expecting so much from me and I'm scared to do it all. I went through the consulting with the police as scared as ever." I held his chin and smiled at him.
"Izu, you are the strongest person I've ever met. You have the gift to inspire people to do things thought they could never do, including me. You have the gift to carry 100 people's burden and still manage to smile. So now it's my turn to return the favor. I'm going to help you anyway possible even if it's as trivial as carrying you cause your feet are tired, or grabbing grapes from the stores cause you have a particular craving for them."
"Shouto," His eyes became misty. I laughed.
Those tears better be out of happiness Midoriya." He wiped them away and nodded.
"Your words just moved me, you really think I'm strong?" I smirked.
"You're resilient, handsome, strong, well stronger than me at least." He giggled and I still find it the cutest thing ever.
"Come on, stop it with the flattery." I just looked at him.
Flattery? No they're facts and anybody who says otherwise is wrong. I mean look at you," I started to poke him and started laughing some more.
   "I've always wondered for such a short guy how can you carry all that weight? I mean I've seen you bench at a good 560lbs. (255 kilograms) Your so dense, figuratively and physically, it makes me wanna get stronger!" I lifted him up and spun him around.
   "Oh My Quirk Sho, put me down!" He laughed. I keep spinning until I tripped over, my feet and crash landed on the bed with Izu on top of me.
   "Good thing the bed was here." I say.
   "Yeah it was." There was a awkward yet loving atmosphere surrounding us. I looked up at my boyfriend, his eyes were lidded, the moonlight illuminating off of him was just right. He came in closer and asked.
   "Hey, can I kiss you?" In a soft voice I answered.
  "Yeah." More of his weight shifted on me as he bent down to kiss me. Our kiss was not rushed, we just simply enjoyed us being together with this chaste kiss.
   We stopped and just looked at each other before he set himself back down placing his head on my chest. It was a comfortable silence, just having each other for company, him fiddling with my hair. He broke the silence and in a serious manner, asked me a question.
   "Hey Sho, do you think it would be okay for me not to take the stand?"  I looked down at him and gave him my answer, not thinking much on it.
   "I mean it's unorthodox but not unheard of. As long as you have evidence against the perpetrator you're solid. Plus, you're still 16, by right you don't have to testify anything."  He was still fiddling with my hair.
   "Yeah you're right, but by the time I turn 17 that's when I have a hearing and I can legally press charges against your father in court."  My eyes widened.
   "That's a really great way to start off your birthday. I wanted to be kind of selfish and spend it with you, though I hope lady justice is a nice substitute." He groaned.
   "It's not like I wanna go! Things are, just getting complicated."
   "How can I make things less complicated?" I asked.
   "By staying like this, by staying with me. Don't leave okay?" I could tell by my boyfriend senses that he was getting emotional again so I sat up and hugged him.
   "I'm safe, I'm right here."
   "I'm glad that I fell for such a nice guy like you." He softly says into my chest.
   "Well I'm glad that I fell for such a wonderful,  terrific, words can't describe how amazing you are, guy like you."

   1399 worlds! (Excluding this outro) I should change my updates to Thursday's huh? Make up work for finals has really been cracking down on me. 😞 I barely have enough time to do anything. My life has turned to literature and biology work all day and night and then passing out not remembering to publish your story's page you did for this story  Wednesday. Well anyway, are you guys old enough that you do finals for the semester? Let me know. Peace out my peeps.
   Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!

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