A Dinner Date?

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Midoriya's POV
   The phone ringed and I pick it up know automatically who it is.
   "Hey Sho," I greeted.
    "Hey Izu," He greeted back.
    "So... what was so important that you  had to see my face for." I asked
    "I wanted to see your reaction when I told you that my father invited you and your family on a dinner date."
    "What the Quirk?" I say aloud, clearly confused on why he would do that.
    "I know right, I had that face too! It's weird, too weird for me. I wonder what's his intention?" I tried to look at the bright side.
    "Hey, maybe he's finally giving me chance!"
    "Yeah right, he's probably trying to screw with you." He muttered underneath his breath.
    "Shouto, haven't I told you that it's sometimes nice to look on the bright side?"
   "I know, it's just when it comes to him-" He veered off.
   "I know Sho, but looks like he wants to know me better and he even invited my family so I see this as a good thing." I smiled at him and he smiled back.
   "God, if only I can resist that smile." I just gave him a wider smile and he gave off a little snicker.
   "Shouto, Oh my God your laugh is so cute!" We continued on talking and yelled at him through the door.
   "HEY LITTLE BRO HAVE YOU SEEN MY VAPE? I'M GOING OUT!" Shouto looked irritated and said
   "Excuse me," he left his phone on his bed but I could still hear their conversations.
   "No I haven't seen it Natsuo." Shouto said plainly.
   "Aww man, well it can't be helped." Said on which I presume as Natsuo.
   "You know you should stop using those things, it kills people."
   "No can do baby bro, I'm hooked." Shouto just scoffed.
    "Well could you please get out of my room, I'm busy." I heard a shuffle a shuffle of steps and they got closer.
    "Chill bro, it wasn't like you were masterbating." I blushed and I would guess Shouto would to. The footsteps stopped and someone picked up the phone but it wasn't Sho,
   "Hey, your the one Little Bro has saved as Broccoli Boy! Tell me, does he eat his vegetables?" I blushed a new shade of pink and Todoroki-kun just yelled.
   "Natsu, give me my phone back!" Shouto's brother just laughed and started walking.
   "In a minute I'm not done talking to your boyfriend."
   "You can talk to him Saturday!" The camera started shaking around so I assumed that they were fighting over the phone but I see Shouto's brother in the frame so I assumed he won and he started running to a room and locked the door.
   "So..." he sounded out of breath, "how's your guys relationship going?"
   "Good, though I do have a question," It's been on my mind all day.
   "Shoot away,"
   "How come you wanted me to send nudes, that's illegal." He responded in a way that made me blush.
    "Well I thought if he got in between them walls of yours then he would stop complaining about your little lovers quarrel you guys had." My soul left my body with just incoherent mutters coming out.
   "Shouto...me...sex..walls...what?" He laughed.
   "Ahahaha, to be fair it did kind of worked I mean, your mom gave you condoms, which is a good thing don't get me wrong you should never have unprotected sex. Where am I going with this?" He veered off and got distracted.
   "Hey, I found my vape! Good to see ya buddy I missed you." He nuzzled his vape and I heard knocking on the door behind Natsuo scaring the heck out of me.
   "Oh dear brother, you've had enough fun. Give me my phone back." I felt Shouto's dark aura from the phone and I heard the hinges of the door fly off. Natsuo desperately yelled.
   "Broccoli Boy, you gotta help me! You need to calm down your boyfriend!" I had on an evil smile and simply said
   "NNOOOOO!!!" he yelled out and I laughed while Shouto got his phone back.
    "I apologize Izu, my brother has really crossed the line." I was still giggling.
   "No, no, it's fine. He's a, ah.... um, a really spoken character." I struggle to find the right words to say.
   "That's to put it lightly, ever since he came back from University he has become a hassle." I giggled.
    "It seems like you truly care for him."
    "Yeah, Yeah," Sho said sarcastically.
     "I forgot to tell you, wear fancy attire it's a formal dinner party but don't be too dressed."
    "Sho, you worry too much." I state
    "I know it just, your meeting not only my father but my siblings as well. Please just wear your nicest polo and slacks." I sighed.
   "Okay, also I need to tell you something."
   "What is it babe?" Sho asked.
   "My dad is coming to dinner as well."
   "Yes, as he should be," He doesn't get it so I decide to tease him.
   "I'll give you a hint," Then cleared my throat and in the best Todoroki voice I say,
   "You're All Might's secret love child aren't you?" He gasped so loudly and dramatically all I could do was shake my head at how ridiculous he was.
   "I WAS RIGHT! IIDA OWES ME MONEY!" I laughed out loud.
   "Izuku dear, dinner's ready!" I hear my mom say through the door.
   "I have to let you go love, bye."
    "Okay Izu, bye. I love you." And he waved goodbye.
    "Love you too." I blew him a kiss and hung up and went to the dining room for food.

   941 words! (Excluding this outro ) this chapter has been on and off but I finished for it you guys and yeah. Something to REPORT kids, I have some PSA's!#1 DON'T JUUL! I know I wrote in in the chapter but it's NOT COOL! #2 ALWAYS USE CONTRACEPTIVES (Condoms, Birth control etc;) unless you INTEND to get PREGNANT!
#3 NEVER SEND NUDES IF YOU'RE UNDERAGE, it is ILLEGAL and you will go to jail even if you like the person or in a relationship. JUST SAY NO! I'm not your Mom. Added note, I  thought about making some light hearted BNHA stories, (mainly Tododeku ) about Bunny Quirk Izuku and still Dad Might in that though. Also an idea where the main Gays in BNHA Kirishima, Bakugou, Deku and Todoroki all turned into girls by Hatsume's creation gone wrong. But one story at time. I really do work hard to make these stories posted on time or even early and entertaining for you readers so please comment, it makes my day and makes me feel that much inspired to keep going. So yeah, peace out my peeps.
   Adiós, ¡Hasta Luego!

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