New Despair

507 21 9

Midoriya POV
   Days have past since I last confronted Todoroki-San and I'd like to say that I feel better, but I'm not so certain that I actually am.
   Thoughts have been in my head that I'm gross and impure. The time is growing shorter for my case making me more anxious then ever, afraid to even hold Shouto's hand, but you promised to yourself that you would move on didn't you?
   I turned on the T.V to watch Disney+ but something on the news caught my attention.
   "I am Maeko from Juzo News, and I'm here with Kyoko, Todoroki-San's lawyer to ask the questions everyone has been wondering about regarding our current no.1 hero Endeavor." I immediately sat down and watch mostly because I'm confused. What is there to talk about since neither of us has released our statements on what happened, but there is...
"So let's get this straight, there has been a video that has been surface on the internet, specifically on a adult site that accuses Endeavor on potential charges."
"Yes that video has been problematic for both sides I'm guessing." That I can agree on.
"So tell me the credibility of this video, cause there has been a lot rumors going around,"
"Oh definitely, the first thing that I want to get out is that the video that has been catching everyone's attention has been digitally stolen by a third party and not obtained in legal matter so it can not be administered as evidence." My eyes widened, it wasn't uploaded by Todoroki-San? Then who was...? I immediately hug my body in distress and I heard the door unlock.
"Hey Izu what are you doing?" Shouto jumped over the couch and sat besides me.
"Sho..." He looked over at me concerned and he was about to touch me and I flinch.
"Izu are you..." he veered off noticing where I had my attention and tuned into the T.V and what it was saying.
"So you're saying there's more to story than we thought?"
"Why yes, my client has explicitly said to me was that the minor would visit him every Sunday, even though he knew what they were doing, and agreed to meet Todoroki-San on every command." Said the the reporter.
"Does that mean they were engaging in a sexual relationship before the video or was it more financial?" An immense wave of fear dawned upon me and Shouto looked at me confused.
"Izu, what is she talking about?" I couldn't even look at him and he started to grab me and I flinched.
"Izu, how long has this been going on for?" Still facing I say to him.
"Ever since I confronted Endeavor, he has imprinted terrible thoughts in my head and-"
   "Whatever those thoughts are they aren't true." He automatically hugged me and I was to reluctant to hug back. All those things that Endeavor said about me being forever connected to me, that I'm now tainted and impure it still lingers in my head. I'm disgusting, no matter how many times bathe.
"Izu, I can tell you're not feeling it today, do you wanna go out on a date, or stay in and I can order Chinese?" I did slight of nod and he lifted me up to my bedroom and got out his phone.
"It'll only take a minute." He walked out of my bedroom leaving me alone. Alone... I mimicked the places he touched me. It's not the same.
Two days have passed and Shouto has taken me out on a date in the park, and I'm glad there's not a lot of people are here and he bring us ice cream.
"Thank you, for the food Sho." I started eating my ice cream and Sho started to stare at me.
"Do you mind if I try your ice cream?" I nodded no and offered him some but kissed me instead and all I could do was just freeze, thinking to myself that I'm impure and gross.
"It's sweet." Still standing still I blushed at his words, he probably said that due to the ice cream. He looked at me and noticed how I wasn't responsive and moved away, giving me less contact.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I looked at him in desperation, 'kiss me some more, touch me, whisper those reaffirming words in my ear, hold me but I'm scared' Is what I wanted to say but I just couldn't manage the words.

It's been like this for a while now, and I figured out my new despair.  It's not so linked to my case than I thought. I want him to touch me in a intimate way. Is it even wrong to think that? I'm even not his first, the thoughts of being ever connected that Todoroki-San implanted, things I didn't even really consider is now plaguing my mind. So now I always doubt myself whenever we kiss, and I second guess myself when we hold hands. I want to do things and get intimate but I'm scared. Scared that he'll reject me.

      "Shouto..." We were currently in my bedroom watching Disney+ on another one of our dates, and my thoughts about myself were getting worse.
   "What is it babe?" I was so unsure of myself, hiding my face in my knees, hugging myself.
   "Do you think I'm gross?"
   "What? This came out of nowhere, are you okay?" I could feel his hand on my back and I look up to see him smiling at me. I was finding it even more trouble to speak.
   "D-do you think I'm gross?" His eyes softened as he spoke to me.
   "Izu, I noticed that you've become hesitant to touch me and flinched when I touch you, is this because-"
   "It's just that!" I yelled as I started to wipe the slow tears down my face, "it's just that I wanna touch you but there's these thoughts in the back of my mind that you're disgusted by me!" A small smile crept upon his face and my eyes widened.
   "It's true, you really do think that I'm gross!" I was gonna get up but Sho stopped me.
   "No Izu you have it wrong, to be honest I'm relieved. I thought after what happened to you I've been trying to hold off on the intimate things and never done anything until you asked. Whenever I held you're hand you seemed scared so I just waited." He pulled me into his lap and kissed the back of my hand.
   "I'm sorry if it seems I have been neglecting you." I hugged him back and rested my head on his chest.
   "I'm sorry too. I have been reluctant to be intimate because my case is coming up and you'll hear everything and I'm scared you'll think that I'm dirty and impure, that I'm... gross." He snuggled to me closer and he lifted my chin and kissed me passionately.
   "Would I deliberately kiss you if I think you're gross?" I blushed and shook my head no.
   "I don't want you to worry about those things with me. I just want to preserve your happiness." Those sweet words. He'll never know the extent to how much they effect me. I hugged him even tighter.
    "Hmm?" With out looking at him I asked,
    "Do you ever think about being intimate with me?"
   "What do you mean Izu?" I blushed a bit while looking at him.
   "I-I'm asking if you want to have sex." I think the the cogs in his head were finally started to spin because he backed away in a blush.

1278 words! (Excluding this outro) I know, I know, I'm way late but I was really having trouble writing this chapter, getting the details right. Also, I concluded this was from burnout so I'm planning to take this spring break off and just get my motivation back, so I will NOT be posting this week. I might do a oneshot or two, only if I feel like it though. I'm not going to be trying to force myself to get a post out so I hope you understand.
   On a total unrelated note,

I made this Saturday at this small business named threads

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I made this Saturday at this small business named threads. And I just loved how this came out. You use different  fabrics to make portraits/ collages and I think I did a good job I even named the piece ' la nouvelle danse macabre'  and I'm rusty with my French but it means 'the new dance of death' and danse macabre is one of my favorite orchestral pieces of all time and I just seemed that the title was fitting even though my sister said it my Portraits remind her of the Spanish baroque. With that out of the way, I hope y'all enjoy your spring break.
   Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!

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