Let's Go on a Date

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Todoroki POV
   Izuku was shifting under the covers. Muttering indistinctive words. I thought it was cute until he started to frown and his words became more clear.
   "No... Please, Stop..." I turn over to see him more clearly and thought aloud.
  "What needs to stop?"
   "Endeavor....hurt...him..." I was surprised that he responded, but I can use that for my advantage.
    "What do you mean? Who did he hurt?" He started to squirm more and there were tears down his face. He's having a nightmare! I started to shake him awake. He abruptly got up and yelled.
    "STOP, PLEASE NO! DON'T HURT HIM, I'LL SUMBIT!!!" His breathing was ragged and I put my hands on his shoulders.
   "It's okay Izu, I'm right here!" He looked at me with tears in his eyes and quickly held me in a tight hug. I started rubbing circles on his back cooing him.
    "Shush, shush, shush, it's okay Izu, I'm here." He held me tighter and sobbed some more. He calmed down some and started sniffling. I gave a understanding smile and kissed and wiped his tears away. He loosened the grip on the hug and nuzzled closer. I chuckled and patted his green curls.
    "Can I ask you what was in your dream that made you act that way?" He  stopped nuzzling me and froze.
    "I can't tell you everything, my dream, all I can say that it was about you, I can't allow you to get hurt." I was confused.
   "Hurt, what do you mean hurt? Who will hurt me?" I held his hands and made him look at me. He was pulling away so I pinned him to the bed.
   "Izu, tell me. Who is hurting you?" He still wasn't looking at me and I was getting angry and gripped his hands tighter. He squeaked out in pain. I was realized what I was doing. I got off of him and on the edge of the bed and hung my head low.
    "I'm sorry that I hurt you Izu. I just wanna know what happened to you while I was away. What did he do to you?" He suddenly hugged me from behind and started crying again. 
   "I'M SORRY SHO! I NEVER MEANT TO HURT YOU YOUR FATHER SAID-" Izu clamped his hands over his mouth to prevent him from saying any more. I turned around and grabbed his hands off his face to try to get some answers. I swear that I'll kill my father if he did anything.
   "What he say?" Izuku averted his eyes and blushed.
   "He told me if I didn't comply, then he'll hurt you." I held him closer trying to get more answers from him.
   "Comply? Comply with what?" His face went blank.
   "I wish I can tell you but, I can't." I wish that I can make him feel better, then I had an idea.
    "My father is an ass so forget about him. Let's go on a date instead." His eyes lit up in excitement.  
    "Really Sho, you mean it?" I nodded my head and he tackled me with hugs and kisses.
    "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" I hugged him back and it brought a smile to my face that he was so elated. Apparently, I wasn't the only one excited to see him because my umm... lower region was happy to see him too. And to make things worse he kept moving. I guess he felt it too and stopped.
   "Sho, is there something on the bed, because it's poking me?" He was moving around to see what is. Is he doing this on purpose? I let out a groan.
    "Are you okay? Can you feel it to?" I groaned out again,
    "Oh yeah, I can feel it!"
    "Really, where?" He was trying harder to find this 'object' resulting in him moving more. I groaned some more. I could feel myself getting more erect so I held him in place and went up to his ear and groaned out.
    "Ngh~ Izu, don't move anymore, unless you're doing this on purpose." He looked puzzled.
   "What do you mean Sho, am I doing something wrong?" I was trying my hardest not to move and to grind on Izuku.
   "Not exactly wrong per say ngh~" he moved again and put his hand on my forehead.
    "Are you sure you're okay? You don't seem sick, because I feel your head but your cheeks are red." My heart ached! This innocent child is so quick to help a person out and my dick throbbed because of it. I don't think he'll know anytime soon so I pulled him close and told him.
   "I'm erect." He looked puzzled for a moment.
   "E-rect?" He finally realized what he was doing and got off me and exploded in a blush and backed away to the head of his bed frame. He rambled out.
   "I am soooo sorry Shouto, I didn't mean to do that! I mean, I was on top of you like that and, it probably felt weird. I dunno, we haven't done things like that before well, until now but that's besides the point. I just felt a big object on my bed but I didn't think it was attached to you! I'm sorry, I wasn't even thinking straight and-" I put my finger over his mouth, signal to be quiet.
   "It's okay, I don't think you have ever thought 'straight' in your life." I petted his hair and he was looking down, twiddling with his fingers. Being the good boyfriend I am, I decide to tease him and got close to his ear and softly said.
    "So when you were rambling you said  I was big. Tell me, do you think I'm big Izu?"I went away from his ear and Izuku exploded with so much blush that I believe he was steaming. I couldn't but laugh.
   "Don't laugh at me you meanie!" He then threw a pillow at me and I sat next to him. He turned away from me and hugged his other pillow. I grabbed his shoulder.
    "Hey, I'm sorry. It's just that your your so adorable when you're flustered. Though, I don't know why you're the embarrassed one when I have the hard on here." He hugged his pillow less tight.
   "Oh yeah, right. But how are you gonna take care of it?" I decide to mess with him more.
    "Well, as my boyfriend you're the one who made me this way so you should take responsibility." He blushed again. He's so cute. But then nobody prepared me for what he said.
   "R-responsibility, what do you want me to do?" My dick was now throbbing like a heart beat.
    "What, no, Izu, I was just joking! You don't have to do anything, I was just planning to take a cold shower!"  My lord, this boy is dangerous.
    "Oh okay, I'm not really sure what you meant by 'take responsibility' anyway. So I'll let you go in the shower first and I'll pick out my clothes for our date today." He went on his tip toes and kissed me quickly and I went to his shower to deal with my problem.

1198 words! (Excluding this outro) another fluff chapter because I felt like Izuku needed it after his 'encounter' with Endeavor and he needs some love. Then, I can build up drama with Shouto confronting his father and then after that Midoriya gets in trouble by Enji and shit goes down, I just have a whole plan. And with that out of the way, peace out my peeps.
   Adiós, ¡Hasta Luego!

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