Eyes of Endearmeant

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Endeavor POV
   I went to pick up Shouto and I was kind of hoping to see his little toy again to get a glimpse of those eyes again. I believe that he might of had a bad impression from the previous times we met so I looked up 'How to apologize to someone and not seem weird?' And multiple blogs told me to get him flowers. The weird thing was that the main websites I went on for research were talking about lovers. I thought it was weird because I don't like that little boy that way, but his eyes do intrigue me.
   I headed off work. When I was done I went to the school of U.A. I got there and I checked the infirmary to see if they are there again to see my son cuddling up against this boy. They noticed me and Shouto stomped towards me and lashed out.
    "Why are YOU here father?" He crossed his arms and gave me attitude.
     "I got work early and I came to pick you up and apologize." Though, not really. I really just wanted to look better infront of Shouto's twink-ish bitch.
   "Nice try father, but you never apologize." Come on Shouto, let me apologize to you and your slut here so I don't have to be here longer than I have to.
"I'm being serious-" He interrupted me and yelled in my face. What a dishonorable son.
"No father! I won't hear it!" I began to feel a little irritated at him that I can't get this over with. Then I noticed those eyes were looking at me. They are so beautiful. Just like I remember. No, better than I remember! She never looked at me like that. She never looked at me with endearment. This is better. He is better. I want him to look at me with all types of emotion. Happiness, fear, maybe even... lust.
   "Shouto," he turned his direction to my son. No, please look back at me.
   "Listen to what he at least has to say, okay?" My son turned his attention back to me and crossed his arms.
"Fine. I will listen to you NOT, because I want to but Izuku insisted." I could feel this boys eyes on me. They stare at me with such protectiveness. Yes, look at me more like that.
"I just wanted to apologize for my outburst yesterday."
   "I,d call it a little more that an outburst." Shouto muttered under his breath.
    "Shouto," He gave a stern look to my son. He put his hands up.
    "Fine, I'll play nice." I wonder when I give him looks like that he brushes me off. I took a breath, this boy.
"I was just so surprised that you were gay and I was so obsessed with maintaining an image that I excluded your feelings from this image that I hold so dear." Then my son got angry and yelled at me.
   "Yeah Dad, you've been doing that all of your life! First Mom, and then Touya, and now me." The kid then went up to hug my son, looking at him with love. Something I never got to see from Himari herself. Shouto seemed to calm down and asked me,
"So, who are the flowers for?" My eyes enlarged. I was trying to keep it cool and I extended my hand to give the beautiful eyed child the flowers.
   "Oh, these flowers are here for your little boy toy here." Be looked at me with those gorgeous confused green eyes of his and I went on to explain.
   "I got them because I also wanted to apologize to your um.... ah, boyfriend because I probably worried him when I took you away and the internet said the best way to apologize to someone is with flowers. So I did. I'll leave you two alone for a minute but then you need to come with me Shouto." I left the room heard so indistinct words and some giggling before Shouto came out of the room.
   "Come on let's go." We walked and he followed me to the car. He got in and I buckled my seatbelt and adjusted the mirror. It was silent for the longest of times with him brooding in the back. Then I finally started up a conversation with him.
   "Your little boy toy was nice, if you like we can invite him over for dinner if you like. I mean you're already gay so I want to see if this little bitch of yours is worthy of a prodigy like you." He uncrossed his arms and yelled at me, again.
    "I don't know where you're getting at father, but this stops now! Oh, and he's not my boy toy nor my 'bitch'! He's my boyfriend and I care for him dearly!"
   "I swear there's no games Shouto! If I have to accept your gay then I may as well meet this bit- I mean boy!"  He scowled me and said
   "I don't know what your planning but I won't allow it! You can hurt me all you want but mark my words, You can hurt me, degrade me, but DON'T drag Izuku into this!"  This boy is getting on my nerves. He's dealing with things he doesn't even know about. I knew those eyes way before you were even thought of.

   891 words! (Excluding this outro)  Here's a Mothers day present, an extra chapter. This was a very creepy chapter but I wanted you to give you an insight on Enji Todoroki's thoughts. It was also a little shorter but I gotta say, I really have the ball rolling now and then things will really get dark. Be prepared to hate Endeavor more than you already do 😁👍🏽. Next chapter will be kind of an offset to this chapter cause I also want my story to be fun and not all blood,guts, and drama and hating on Endeavor. Don't get it wrong, they'll be lots of that but I don't want to describe how much of a creep he is cause we already know that boo, So yeah. Peace out my peeps. 
   Adiós, ¡Hasta Luego!

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