A New Level of Obsession

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Midoriya's POV
Endeavor's eyes land right on me and Sho and he dropped me on accident. I guess that broke the silence because Endeavor was weirdly the first one to ask me if I was alright. I didn't know how to respond and just laid there.
"I'm so sorry Izuku." Shouto said while helping me up.
"It's fine, I'm okay." After I confirmed I was fine everyone was out of their trace and Natsuo tried to lighten the mood with a joke.
"I knew you were head over heels for my baby bro but I never thought that you literally fallen for him." He kept nudging me with his elbow and my dad laughed at the lame dad joke.
"Hahaha, I get it!" We all just looked at him.
"What? It was funny! He fell and the play on words. You know what, forget about it." I can't believe my dad just laughed at the lamest of dad jokes. Endeavor cleared his throat and announced,
"Usually I'll have one of my servants go escort you but I got tired of waiting." Nastuo took the lead.
"Yeah, I'm starved. I'll show you guys to the dining room with tour, Natsuo express. Keep all hands and feet inside the vechile at all times." And then I hear Shouto say,
"But we're not in a car." I laughed at Shouto's naivety towards social saying and customs. We all proceed to follow and I felt a hand brush across my bottom and I blushed. I assumed that it just an accident or somebody's hand slipped so I didn't mind the first time, but then it kept happening and it made me uncomfortable. I know that Shouto is being more bold with his actions towards me so I asked him.
"Shouto, are you doing things to me?" He looked at me generally confused.
"Izuku, Babe what are you talking about?" He seemed not to know what I was talking about so I dropped the matter.
"It's nothing, can I just hold your hand please?" He nodded and grabbed my hand. The groping seemed to stop so that was good. Before we knew it Nastuo declared
"We're here!" And finished his statement off with a pair of jazz hands. I was about to sit down but Shouto stopped me and pointed at the cards that had our names on it and the card that had my name it was right next to the new number one hero Endeavor. We were split right down the middle with the Todoroki's one side and the Midoriya's on the other. At least Todoroki was across from me so I have him to talk to when things run south. Maids came in with hidden dishes on silver platters and placed them infront of us to reveal lobster tails. My eyes widened. I never had lobster before. We all said our thanks.
"Itadakimasu." And the Todoroki's started to dig in as well as my mom and dad. Was I the only one who didn't know how to do this? Nastuo took a bite off his lobster and commented.
"Wow, we're skipping right to the main course, I like this. Shouto, you should have your boyfriend over more." Endeavor spoke.
"I did this so Shouto's comfort woman wouldn't feel so intimidated so I thought it would be nice if I simplified it for him and his family." Like the big house and expensive food wasn't enough. I don't even know how to eat this! And why the heck did he call me a comfort woman? That was very insulting. All the villains I've met this person sitting right to me is the most intimidating. Quietly I let out,
"But I'm a guy." Gosh, this is stupid. I'm the equivalent to a dog with its tail stuck in between its legs. Endeavor looked at me and I averted my eyes.
"Father, we've talked about this," he yelled.
"You need to stop calling Izuku demeaning names!" I was shocked. I just hope there won't be much trouble at the dinner. Everyone looked at the throw down happening.
"Here we go again." Nastuo said rolling his eyes.
"Tell me Shouto, doesn't he comfort you and attends your needs?" Shouto scowled.
"Yeah, but on his own will! Just because I found a person doesn't mean I forced him into anything!" My father leaned over towards my mom and asked.
"What are they arguing about?" Then the girl which Shouto calls Fuyumi explained.
   "A comfort woman was a woman or girl forced into being a sex slave by the imperial army during WW 2. I'm surprised that you never learned this in class." My father's eyes shot open with rage and joined in on the bickering and my mom was trying to calm everyone down.
    "Guys, can't we just settle down?" Mom said holding on to her husband while trying things didn't become physical. The fighting continued and I had to speak up.
   "Dad, Todoroki-San, Shouto, please calm yourselves." I looked at them with pleading eyes and they seemed to calm down.
   "I'm sorry Izuku," Shouto hung his head low.
    "It's okay Sho, sometimes you just have to ignore the people around you."
    "I'm sorry as well son." All Might admitted. Then Endeavor made conversation with me which was weird.
"I'm glad don't mind my comment. I saw that your mother also has green eyes. Does everyone in your family have the same trait?" I shrugged and was quietly said
"I don't know, I guess so." My mom just chuckled.
"Oh eyes, we Midoriya's are known for having green eyes, it's hereditary. Though it's rare in our family to have eyes as green as him. Our eyes are usually a jade color. The only people in the family I've seen who had eyes like was his great great grandfather and his aunt Himari." I was still fiddling with my food and Todoroki looked at me making me feel better.
"Do you know how to eat a lobster tail?" Shouto asked. I answered honestly.
"No, I've never had lobster tail before." I say embarrassed. I know I'm not high class like him.
"Here, give me your plate." I handed him my plate and Nastuo said
"Midoriya-kun, you didn't know how to eat a lobster tail?" I shook my head no.
"Why didn't you say so, one of us easily helped you out." Everyone looked concerned at me and I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and said.
"Excuse me, but I'd like to go to freshen up a bit in the bathroom." My Boyfriend looked at me and I looked at him with tears forming in my eyes. I did a bow and started running off. I didn't even know where I was run ing using 5% of my quirk to get out of there.
"IZUKU!" I heard Shouto yell. I couldn't face him not like this. I kept on running getting lost in this labyrinth of an estate. I stopped running and tried figuring out where I was so I can find an exit somewhere. A few minutes of aimless wandering and I got curious. This is the Todoroki estate and nobody has ever seen inside of this place. I started looking through the rooms and I found somebody's bedroom. First my intuition told me not to snoop but curiosity got the best of me. I wondered whose room is this is? I know it's not Shouto's because I've seen his room in video chats. Is it Nastuo's? I continued to look around and a saw a peculiar object on the desk. I pick it up and the first thing I notice is that it had a switch to it. I turned it on and it started to vibrate. I put it back down and started to look at other stuff. I saw hand cuffs, chains. And other weird stuff. I picked up the chains and it looked like you could put it on in some way. I was investigating how to put it on.
"I see you've found my room." I squeaked. This room, is Endeavors? I immediately put the chains back where I found them and stood there petrified. He came to me and I was trying so hard not to shake.
"You know, if you wanna know how these objects work than I could show you." I backed away.
"Nononono, I'm fine." My back hit the wall and he came up to me.
"Tell me, do I intimidate you?" He cornered me there. I couldn't get away, he was too close. I was so scared I couldn't even nod yes or no. He chuckled in a eerie register. He grabbed my face and started caressing his hand on my cheek.
"You have nice skin for a guy." He proceeded to grab my arm and feel it up and down. I flinched and squirmed away from his touch and he laughed at my attempt to get away from him.
"Himari would never let me do this to her, but you're not Himari." I was confused. Why was he talking about my dead aunt?
"You're better than her, you're so expressive with your eyes and she never was! Your eyes are so sincere, so precious, like a gemstone." He came up to me and kissed me. My eyes widened. He practically shoved his tongue down my throat. I was getting ready to use my quirk to get him off of me but he seemed to notice and pinned my hands on top of my head heating my hands. I squirming around trying to break free and he just placed his leg in between my legs. It was getting hard to breath and he finally stopped. I was panting hard and smirked at how submissive I was in this situation, I hated it. I was trying even harder to break free but he went up to my ear and said.
"Don't try to even tell anyone what happened or else Shouto will get more than just that scar on his face." I stopped resisting and he kissed me again, harder this time. He was so suffocating. He started grinding on me and I felt his erect dick on my stomach. I wanted to throw up. He finally let go off me and stopped. Trail of saliva was still on us and I felt disgusted that I couldn't do anything. I value Shouto way more than I value myself and I don't want him getting hurt because of me. I wanted to cry.
"There, there bright eyes." He said while playing with the curls in my hair.
"Just give me what I want and Shouto doesn't get hurt." I gritted my teeth and looked away from him while balling my fists.
"You're a monster." He smiled devilishly and responded.
"And you're my new bitch." He started to hug me and I went as stiff as a plank.
"Izuku, are you up here?" Shouto's voice. I'm elated and wanted to run up to him but Endeavor held onto me.
"Remember what I said." He let me go and I ran out of the room and straight to Shouto. I ran at him full speed. He heard my footsteps and turned around.
"Izuku-" he couldn't even finish his sentence because I hugged him so hard that we ended up falling and I was on top of him. He hugged me back, and asked.
"What's with all this direct affection?" He smiled at me and I wrapped my arms around him tighter.
"I just wanna be held." I say quietly. He kissed my forehead and concerned he asked.
"Are you okay? Did something happen while I was away?" I couldn't tell him what's going on so I vaguely said.
"You're dad... is the worst." He held me tighter.
"I know. Are you upset he called you a comfort woman or did something else happen." I started to cry on him, staining a probably expensive shirt with my tears. The others found us and I stopped laying on Sho,
"Oh my Quirk! Are you okay, what happened? I was worried sick!" I couldn't look at my mom because I felt so dirtied for what I did. She put a hand on my shoulder and when I looked at her I cried again. She went down and hugged me, Natsuo asked.
"What happened to him?" Shouto responded,
"I don't know! When I found him he tackled me down and started crying!" My mom got me up but I didn't want to leave Sho so I fell on him and hugged him again. I hysterically yelled out.
"I DON'T WANNA LEAVE YOU SHO, NOT HERE!" He patted my head.
    "Do you want me to stay over at your house? If you don't mind Mr and Mrs Midoriya" he asked.
   "I don't mind at all." Mom said. He got up and I was still on him.
    "Izuku, I love you but can you let go." I didn't want to let go but I didn't want to annoy him so I did.
    "But what about your father? He won't agree with me taking you away." He looked me with loving eyes and bopped my nose.
     "It's okay love, as long as I'm with you nothing wrong could happen." I hugged him back. I tried to smile for him.
    "See, that's the smile I fell for." He said while grabbing my chin. I felt safe in this moment but I worry what will happen when he's away.

2260 words! (Excluding this outro) This was the longest chapter I ever did in any of my books so far. I consider this chapter to be like a 'season finale' because we enter a new level of obsession. Hence the title. One thing I wanna get out the way RAPE IS NOT OKAY! NEITHER IS SEXUAL ASSAULT OR HARASSMENT! I know I put it in the story but this is what the story is about. A man with so much obsession for his lost unrequited love he finds  attraction to an underage relative of hers just to do things he couldn't do to him he couldn't do to her when she was alive. And Todoroki needs to be the hero and save Midoriya from his psycho of a father, Endeavor. I feel like the story could either run two ways but I'm not telling which ways you'll just have to find out which path it goes down when you read it.  Also next chapter will be an Endeavor POV to see what's behind this mad mans head into his thoughts. I have nothing else to say, peace out my peeps.
   Adiós, ¡Hasta Luego!

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