Freedom of Press

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Midoriya POV
   The past couple of weeks have been hectic with me, my parents, and team of lawyers and legal advisers and just talking with Wright-San about my case and how to behave in court, and 'remember to speak clearly' and 'if you don't understand a question don't try to answer it' just stuff like that,  overwhelming my head on top of being a student with regular and AP classes.
   I plopped down in my bed groaning, hugging a teddy bear that Sho got for me awhile back, laying there in exhaustion.
"You look tired, do you need me to do anything?" I heard the door open to reveal Shouto and I suddenly got a burst of energy.
"Sho, you're back from school!" I say sitting up. He gave me a quick hug.
"Yeah I am. You know everyone misses you in 1-A, including Bakugou but he's too stubborn to admit that." I got all giddy from hearing that.
"Really, even Kacchan?!? I'm happy yet surprised." My eyes shyly averted themselves to the ground. Sho took a sit beside me.
"I don't wanna force you but when are you coming back to physical school? They moved you online and that made me sad because I miss you." He lightly grabbed my hand and I blushed.
"I don't know, maybe next school year? I won't be long." He plopped down on the bed.
   "That's a long time to me." He sighed and I just giggled and went on to explain.
   "Sho, you know the reason my mom chose this is because she wants the fire to calm down a bit before I come back. I explained this to you twice." I climbed on him and entangled my body with his. He turned to face me.
   "Yeah, but I saw the police confiscate students' phones that had the video-" I tensed up a bit.
"Wrong set of words" he corrected, "I just wanted to say that the police are handling things and nobody is going to make fun of you for your-" He looked at me again and noticed he was digging a bigger hole for himself and cleared his throat.
"I will stop talking cause clearly this is a sensitive topic and oh god, I'm getting nervous like you." He scratched the back of his head and an awkward silence dawned upon us.
"I'm sorry." He apologized. I kissed his forehead and smiled.
"You're fine." He blushed. We just laid there, bodies still entangled. Another moment of silence.
"Do you-"
"Can we-" I accidentally interrupted.
"Oh I'm sorry!" Be both said at the same time. There was a short pause and we kept interrupting each other.
"You can go first."
"No it's fine." We we're in sync I just had to laugh about it and he joined in too.
"So tell me what it is you wanted to tell me." I said wiping a tear.
"I know that you've been busy a lot and I've been catching up on you because I worry but I don't want you to think about that right now." He got up and said.
"You see how I'm dress fancier. I talked to your mom and she said I can take you out so where do you wanna go?" I lit up.
"You serious Sho?" He nodded and I got up and hugged him.
"Thank you so much! Do you mind if we went to the planetarium today? I'm so excited!" I was bouncing all over the place and realized I'm not even prepared for a date.
"Leave my room for 15 minutes." He looked at me confused as I was rummaging in my closet to what to wear.
"You need to leave while I get ready for our date silly."
"O-oh yeah, I'll be waiting in the other room." He went off in the other room and I hugged my teddy bear in excitement as I get for our date. I don't think I told him but having him come visit me like this, has really raised my spirits and I have to thank him.
I spruced up and walked out my bedroom door.
"You ready to go?" He asked. I gleaned at him.
"Yeah, let's go!"

Dabi's POV
I've been stalking the media recently about for more or less play on words my shit bag of a father's Endeavor but nothing. 'Do I really have to do everything myself?' I thought as I spin the flash drive of his triple-x film.
"Are you still watching the boring old news. I swear, you and Shiggy are more alike then you like to admit; watching for when it's about to rain and such." I turned off the T.V and stretched.
"You know what, you're right. Let's go out for a bit. I'll buy you something at the convenience store." She lit up.
"Really, Yay!" She leaned on me and put her arm around my neck.
"I've been really wanting to paint my nails but I lost my favorite nail polish. What color do you think I should get?" I sighed.
"It doesn't matter come on let's go, or else I'm not getting anything for you." She pouted.
"Humph! You know it's rude to rush a girl." I groaned and grabbed my stuff.
"I'm leaving." I said going out the door.
"Alright, just a second." She grabbed a jacket and rushed out the door.
We we're walking down the streets and noticed we weren't going to the convenience store.
"Um Dabi, do you know where you're going?"
"I have to take a detour somewhere, wait for me at the store and don't scare the people there." She pouted once more.
"Meanie," she mumbled.
"Oh don't act like you'll miss me. Now go I won't be long." She squinted her eyes at me in doubt.
"What exactly will you be going to do anyway that you don't me knowing huh?" I gripped the flash drive in my pocket.
"I'm just gonna give someone an anonymous tip to someone." She glared at me harder.
"Are these orders from Shiggy?" I smirked.
"No Toga, this time it's a solo mission. Hand job doesn't need to know the people I hang with." She smiled.
"So you're distracting me so I don't go flap my mouth because you know I'm always the first one to know if something's up." I smirked.
"I'm glad that we're on the same page so run along."
"I'm game, but I want more than just nail polish."
"I'm fine with that just don't go too spending happy. Here's 20 dollars." She gladly took the money and started skipping off.
"Pleasure doing business with ya!" She got out of the way so I started heading to the place I really want to go, the news station. I bet on my blue eyes that the old man is doing his best to do damage control on the little video I sent and the media needs a little push on putting this terrible story out.
I entered the building of the news station and was greeted by the bustling of people working and I went up to the front desk.
"Excuse me sir, do you need any help?" The receptionist asked.
"Yes, I have a story that I feel that you should cover quickly." He laughed.
"So does everyone else! Call or email your story and we might have put it in a feature." He kept on typing away and I put the flash drive on the desk.
"I don't think this can wait." He looked at me in confusion.
"Just because you put a flash drive on my desk doesn't mean anything." I smirked underneath my mask.
"Sir, I don't think that you understand, this flash drive has content that exposing the current #1 hero Endeavor for pedophilic behavior." The whole room went motionless for a second.
"Y-You can be serious? Why I never-"
"Never what, Miyagi. I hope you're not talking gossip without me." He walked closer to us.
"Nothing ever goes over my head, I'm always in the know."
"You are?" I questioned.
"Taneo Tokuda, freelance journalist of Juzo News." He gave me a wink and I grimaced.
"Don't ask me how I got this information but I want this story out here." He smirked.
"Why don't we take this to my office." I cautiously followed him to his office and he sat down.
"Take a seat, get comfortable." I took his suggestion and he started playing with a rubik's cube.
"I heard you said you got some info on our current no. 1 hero. Let me check to see if it's credible." He had his hand out for the drive.
"I have to warn you, it's graphic." He put the drive in his laptop and started the Video; watching for only a slight moment to have realized what's happening.
"That's..." He paused the video in shock.
"You know the kid?" He did a harsh breath and pulled back his hair.
"Yes, I met him briefly when I was at his school doing some journaling and photography but I- to think this is how ..." He took another breath.
"Have you told the police yet?"
"Yes, but I feel as if I need this story to get out." I try to be all sentimental to trick him more.
"I'll do it!" I smirked.
"Excellent, I hope Endeavor gets what he deserves." We shook hands and I walked away as he was fiddling through notebooks and sources.
"Oh, and more thing, make sure I stay anonymous." I remembered to mention. He nodded and I was off to get Toga from the convenience store.

I reach the store and see Toga purchasing some items and by the looks of it, I don't think I'm getting any change back.
"Dabi, you're back! What took you so long, I was getting bored you know." I started walking along and she followed.
"I was just leading someone in the proper direction, making sure I get what I want without getting my hands too dirty." She looked at me uninterested and I patted her head.
"Let's go back to our lair. We can play Mario Kart and bully Kurogiri while at it too." She fist pumped the air in celebration and held close to me.
"You know, for a villain you're kinda nice. I can't put my finger on it but you give me the aura of big brother. Do you perhaps have any siblings?" I had on a light smile.
"I do, though they all think I'm dead."
"Isn't that convenient; well anyway I'm playing as Daisy when we get back."
"As long as you don't mind me playing as Waluigi." We walked off to our lair as I got a fresh breath of air knowing that Endeavor can't mitigate things for long. 

   1805 words! (Excluding this outro) This story is up and running again with somemore plot cause lately I've been in a fluff type mood but no more. Things are gonna get complicated again and I hope you'll stay intrigued. Peace out my peeps.
   Adíos ¡Hasta Luego!

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