Exposed Part 2

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Shouto's POV
   The whole weekend has passed and Izu hasn't called or texted even once. He must really hate me. I must've scared and came on desperate.
   "DAMMIT!" I yelled while punching the wall making a hole. I groaned, calm down Shouto. I tossed my phone on my bed, and it beeped.  Midoriya?
   I quickly picked my phone up but found myself disappointed that it wasn't him. I must've forgot to mute this one. I read the notification to see it's from Jirou.

Hot Topic💜🖤
Read at 6:37 am
- Shouto, I don't know if you've been ignoring your chats bc you already know what happened
- But, there are rumors going around about Midoriya and we just wanna make sure he's okay
- He hasn't responded to anyone and I hope that he'll talk to you

My eyes widened and I replied quickly.

Read at 6:38 am
- What about Izu ?
- What happened to him?
- WDYM rumors?

Hot Topic💜🖤
Read at 6:40 am
- Well, I can't say anything but I know you're close to him so I thought he'd talk to you
- Just... try not to kill anyone. 

Delivered at 6:41
- What do you mean by that?

   It's been there minutes and she hasn't respond and I decided to look at the group chat but it felt something was missing, like chats were deleted. I decided to press on the link to see what started this mess it was keep saying video didn't exist anymore so I am just out of luck.
Uggh! Everything that's been going on lately has been terrible. I mean, it's been a while where he doesn't seem nervous around me. I thought that when we came clean with our relationship, which was IZU'S idea, things would became better but after that he just seems... distant. He doesn't come over like he used to, he doesn't smile like he used to, he gets nervous when I touch him, and I just know it has something to do with my old man. I swear, if I get one little shred of evidence he did something to my sweet, precious Izu, I'll kill him.

I did all my essentials and got ready to depart and go to school and Nastuo came up to me.
"Yes?" I asked slightly annoyed. He twiddled with his fingers and did a nervous laugh.
"Hey little bro, umm I have some news for you." I just glared and rolled my eyes.
"What?" He avoided my eyes and itched the back of his head.
"W-well, I tracked his data files by match tracing, intercepting data from the gateway, getting my feed as normal and my prediction was right. He paid someone to mess with his data files cause my botnet had noticed this because I couldn't intercept information anymore because they ratted the system kicking me off. Only another hacker could've done that and father lacks the skills." I groaned.
"And what does that mean Natsuo?" He sighed.
"I could only see up to the last thing my bots saw and I haven't really looked at it but it seems like this this guy was editing film from older files but I saw one that caught my eye and it's from Yesterday." He was getting on my nerves and I want to go to class cause the top thing on my my is Izuku.
"You're running in circles, just spit it out!" His was were remorseful.
"Shouto, These clips that father deleted, they scream bad. Do you, really want me to show you the videos." I was trying to submerge my anger.
"If they're so bad then why don't you give these files to the police. Or are you waiting for me to kill him first." He sighed and rubbed his temples.
"I am not the authorities Shouto. I hacked into a computer unauthorized and stole files and intercepted data. If I say that to the police, they would arrest me on spot and the evidence that would sentence him would be inadmissible due to the exclusionary rule in court of law." This whole situation was excruciating. I really wanted to punch something. I was so angry I was literally steaming on my left side. I kept repeating myself to calm down
"Just, take me to school. I've been patient with Izuku for too long and it's time he speaks up cause we're gonna have a little talk."

   Brother dropped me off to school and there was weird tension in the hallway and people were staring at me and hushed whispers arose from the crowds.
'Have y'all seen the talk of the school today? Midoriya I believe his name.' Midoriya! Why is he the talk of the school? I listened in some more. 'I can't believe all the things people are saying about him?' 'Wow, I feel embarrassed for him' 'Catch my girlfriend having videos of herself getting dicked down like that, I wouldn't know what to do.' I felt rage emerged and I went up to him and slammed my hand on the locker.
"Dude, what's your deal!?!" The guy, I think second year said but I didn't care how old he is, I was using all my might not to punch his face in.
"Tell me what you mean by 'dicked down' or do I have to beat it out of you?" I glared at him and he tried to blow me over but I pushed him back into the lockers.
"First off, I think my little kouhai needs to calm down and secondly, why are you acting all new to this, people have been about that little twink all morning."
"What..." I had no words. Is that what Jirou meant. They were walking away and I called out to them.
"Wait!" He groaned and turned around.
"What kid? I gotta get to class." All the sudden, it was hard to speak.
"What did happen to him? Midoriya I mean..." He looked at me with sympathy.
"You haven't really heard?" I shook my head no. He sighed.
"There was a porno leaked of this 1st year and I'm a little vague on details but somebody sent a snippet of the video of him getting fucked by this older man and the video was taken down put someone keeps uploading back up on porn hub of all places." My eyes widened. Midoriya invoked in a porn scandal. Was that the reason he didn't want me to touch him. No, he's not like that. I went up to him.
"Is there anything else you can tell me?" I asked desperately. He bit his nail in thought.
"I heard he's in class 1-A, you might wanna go there and asks him about yourself if he even decides to show up."
"Thanks." I said a little disappointed cause I was going to do that anyway.

I was about to go the class which was down the hall and then I heard the intercom come on in the distance.
"Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku, please come to the office immediately." And that's when I saw him. After the whole weekend of confusion and indescribable feelings, I saw him there, tears in his eyes, slamming the door behind him and running out the corridor.
"Izu," I called out to him. He looked back at me and then running faster. Everything was in slow motion and the cogs in my head are finally turning. I called out to him again.
"Izu, Izuku!" He activated his quirk which looked at me like he was having trouble activating it, but nonetheless, once he started it I was having trouble keeping up with him and he activated it one more time and like that he was gone. I hope I can finally situate this one and for all.

1307 words (Excluding this outro) wow, this chapter was a lot to unpack and were all getting closer to finale you all have been waiting for, Endewhore getting what he's deserves. And kids, remember don't steal stuff to prove your innocence Natsuo's right if you steal stuff and try to admit it as evidence, the exclusionary rule will get you, it's constitutional law. Thank you for listening to my TED Talk ©. No but seriously, thinking back y'all learned a lot from reading this. You learned about hacking, the legal system, Japanese geography, Minoh Falls is a real place ppl, just so you know. A trend I realized in my books have is that they have real places, geography, and customs, not just in this book like my one shot talks about Shinto gods and yokai on more than one occasion, in my Junta x Takato book Trivloi world is a real place in Málaga along with the bar/casino they went to, I don't know, I just feel if I should talk about a subject I should be educated on it. Well after my little tidbit, just wanna say peace out my peeps.
   Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!

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