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Todoroki POV
I took Izu home and went back to mine. I was heading towards my room and Nastuo stopped me.
"Hey lil' bro, how did the one year go?" I stopped and felt kind off guilty.
"It was fine at first, Fuyumi's recommendation worked amazing but," I looked down at the floor.
"But what? Come on bro, tell Onii-Chan what's wrong?" I groaned.
"Why am I tell you anything, just leave me alone!" I started storming off but Natsuo grabbed my arm trying to calm me down.
"Hey, hey, I can see that you're upset but it's better to talk things out. So tell me, what's wrong?" I just stood there, crossing my arms and pouting.
"Oh my Quirk, did Izu break up with you?!?" I didn't say anything at first but something about him makes me want to explain my problems.
"Did I come on too desperate? Was it something I did to him? Did I make him uncomfortable?!?" All these doubts was bringing up all my insecurities about me not be good enough, or not being understood because my lack of social skills even though I've working on them for the past year.
"Woah, back track. Come into my room, and let's talk about this." I nodded my head and sat in his bed.
"Okay, walk me through this slowly." I let out a breath.
"Well, we were at a trail in Minoh Falls after hours. We swam in a water spot I found, I even tested the pH. We-"
   "Trunks or swimming dipping?" Nastuo interrupted.
   "Why does that fact matter?" I asked.
   "Well, if you're skinny dipping then that can add to him being uncomfortable and plus, I wanted to know if you're into that?" I rolled my eyes.
   "We swam in our boxers. Anyway, we swam for a while and then I asked him about...  wanting to crossing the line with me." I felt embarrassed for telling him that but he was just tossing a baseball up and down and then looked at me.
   "Did he give consent because if he didn't that's kind of a dick move bro."
   "He did! I just felt like he was forcing himself so I stopped." He stopped and stroked his chin.
   "That's weird; it's good that you stopped though, was there anything else off about that situation except maybe he wasn't ready?" I thought hard about it.
   "No, not really though, Izu looked like he saw a ghost when I had his phone. I asked him about it but he said it was nothing and handed his phone to me." Nastuo was still stroking his chin.
   "You're right, that is weird. I have a small suspicion that I hope isn't true."  I immediately got concerned.
   "What, what is your suspicion!?!" Nastuo kept thinking until he came to a decision.
   "No, never mind, forget it just, try talking to your boyfriend next time you see him; not tonight though, you'll look desperate. Try asking him what's going on, what's sparking that anxiety." I nodded and left his room.
   "Wait Sho," I turned around and looked at him.
   "Be patient with him, and have some trust as well. I feel like Broccoli Boy will tell you when he figure things out." His words wise, which was weird coming from him.
   "Thanks, I needed that... Onii-Chan." I walked away and he was fangirling that I called him Onii-Chan and he's been trying to get me to call him that since forever in his words.
   I did my nightly essentials and slipped into bed. I tried to get some sleep but thoughts of my one year kept creeping in my head wondering what I did wrong, even though Nastuo told me I should just talk to him. I should worry about it now, tomorrow's Sunday and I visit my mother. Focus on how you'll spend time together and then maybe call Midoriya afterwards and apologize. Yeah, that sounds like a plan. I'll visit my mom and give her some lilies, and then call Izu, pleading if I have to and apologize and treat him on our next date. Let's go to sleep Shouto, so tomorrow can come sooner and I can fix my mistake.

   705 words! (Excluding this outro) This was I think my shortest chapter in my book but I still wanted to add this in because I wanted you guys to have a glimpse of what's Todoroki's doing and how he's dealing with things before a particular scene I have envision in my mind but before I need to do a little more writing before that happens. With that out of the way, peace out my peeps!
   Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!

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