The Mall

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Todoroki's POV
   We finally have reached the mall and Izu was holding onto my arm excitedly as he looked around at all the stores. I couldn't help but smile at how cute he was being.
    "Look Shouto, they sell candy floss here! We have to get some. What flavor do you want?" He was dragging me over to the venue and I was confused on what he was so excited about.
   "Izu, what's candy floss? I mean I know it's a food but what's the hype?" He gasped.
   "Candy floss is the best sugary snack invented and when you also get popcorn to compliment it, muah, it's perfect." He paid for a bag.
    "Here, we'll share it." I was reluctant to try it but Deku seemed so adamant about so I took some it is was so... fluffy! I put it in my mouth and the fluff disappeared into flavored sugar.
     "It tastes so... sugary." He laughed.
     "That's how it's supposed to taste silly." I was left in shock of how wierd, yet the sweet food has left me. He dragged me along.
   "Come on, let's go buy some clothes for my new wardrobe." He looked back at me.
   "Where do you like to shop?" 
   "I usually go to American Eagle to shop. Where do you go?" I asked.
    "Sears." I mentally face palm. No wonder he has no style. That's a Dad's store.
    "I'll lead the way and pick out some outfits for you."
    "You really don't trust my sense in style that much?" I just looked at him.
    "You said you shop at Sears, so yeah. After that, maybe we can head up Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger." I said Ushering him to my go-to stores.
   "B- but Sho, those are all brand name stores, can't we just go Rue 21?" I thought about it for a little bit.
   "Rue 21 doesn't sound that bad, but first you need some fitted jeans and shorts because you barely have any." He smirked and commented.
   "Hahaha, I didn't know you were a fashionista Sho," I held him closer and hugged him from behind.
    "I would like to say that I dress myself with class." We walked into American Eagle and headed over to the jean section.
"Hey Babe, whats your waist size?"
"It's 27 inches." (IDK, I basted it of my waist so I went off that)
"Okay then." I went and grabbed his size in a slim-fit pair and in a skinny jean, along with other type fits.
I met him in the dressing rooms and handed him the jeans.
"Are you sure about this?" He questioned?
"I'm positive, now go try 'em. Also, when you're done, let me see." I pushed him into the fitting room and sat in one of those bench things there and soon enough, he came out wearing the skinny jeans. I blushed, he looked so good, I couldn't help but smile.
    "Turn around, give me a twirl." I said.
   "O-okay." He shyly turned around slowly and the first thing I noticed was his nice ass.
    "See, you have a nice figure when you don't put on unflattering clothes."  He blushed.
    "You really think so?" I really do wonder why he lacks body confidence when he literally has a banging body.
"Yeah, you look sexy. Try on the other jeans to see if you like them." He tried on all the other pants and he decided on the slim-fit, skinny jeans, high waisted mom jeans and so on. He swiped his moms card and we went on to the next store.
We were done with shopping and getting Izu, a new wardrobe and we were just conversing and enjoying each others company. Then Izu, let out a huge yawn.
"Ah, this day was so fun! Thank you for taking me out today." I just looked down at my cute little boyfriend that I love so much.
"Anytime, is there anywhere you want to eat before we call it a day?" His thought for a moment and then his eyes lit up.
"Boba Tea! I heard from Uraraka that her and the girls went into this hero inspired café and they had the neatest little food and pastries." I just giggled at the way his eyes were twinkling, talking about something his so passionate about.
"Then that's where we'll go for dinner. You know the coordinates?" He huffed about.
"I do, but now I feel that I should of took my dad's offer to drive and pick us up. I have so many bags and it would be a hassle to drag all these bags around."
"I can text my sister to see if she can pick us up." I suggested.
"Really, that would be great. Thank you!"
    "No prob." I pull out my new iPhone 11 and text my sister.

Lil' Bro ❤️
Read at 4:33 pm
- Hey Fuyumi, can you come pick me and Midoriya up?

Big Sis 🤗
Read at 4:38 pm
- Sure Shouto, I'll pick you up in a bit.

   I found it weird that she called me 'Shouto'. Am I reading to much into it? She usually calls me Sho, or Lil' Bro. She only calls me by my full name if she's mad. I decided it was probably nothing and slipped my phone back into my pocket and sat on a bench with Izuku.
   "She said she'll come soon." I told him
   "That's a relief." I did a fake yawn and sprawled my arms up and over Izu, having my arm rest on his shoulders and he scooted in a little closer and leaned on me. We stayed like this until I saw Dad's Mercedes. Huh, that's wierd. Usually she'll take Natsuo's van. I walk up to the car and the car window was pulled down to reveal... my father! I became angry and Izuku turned pale.
   "What are you doing here father!?!" I say angrily at him.
   "I saw that you text Fuyumi that you needed to be picked up so I came to pick you guys up instead." He says not looking at me but strangely, at Deku.
    "Cut the Bull Shit father! Why are you really here?" He gave his attention to me and scowled.
"I need you home Shouto, say goodbye to your little friend." I can't believe this guy! I was gone and he didn't even care! But it's my father, what did I expect?
"I don't need you! All you do is want me home so you can groom to be better than All Might! You still accomplished your goal of becoming #1, and you're still not pleased!" I turn my back to him and went back to Izuku. Then of course he got out of the car and was making a scene, walking after me.
"SHOUTO, Shouto come back here!" He grabbed onto my arm. What a shame, if more people were here I would yell child abuse.
Izuku looked at me with apologetic eyes, and I smiled back at him showing him that I'll be fine. He dragged me in the back seat and started the car again but we weren't moving. I was confused.
"Well, isn't your, friend coming in as well?" He was keep staring at my boyfriend and I found it weird. The way he was staring at him the only way I could describe it as predatorial. And for some reason Izuku looks so scared, and I'm keep thinking, 'What the hell did he do to him?'
   "You don't have to if you don't want to, I'll be fine." His eyes went wide and he yelled.
   "NO!" He let out a breath.
   "I don't want to leave you right now." He hesitatingly got in the car and started looking down and twiddling with his thumbs. I need to know what my father did to Izu to make him act like this. Usually he doesn't back down like this.
   "Hey, Shouto's boyfriend, where is your house?" Izu squeaked and stayed silent.
   "I can't take you home unless I get an address unless you want to stay with me." I growled and he stuttered out.
   "It's ****Avenue, on the South side near downtown." He wrote in down on a note pad and for most of the car ride things were silent.
   We approached his house and he grabbed his things.
   "Goodbye Sho," He didn't sound like his chipper self and I'm now really concerned
   "I'll see you later love." I kissed the back of his hand and he disappeared inside of his house. And now that he's gone, I can finally figure out what my father did.
1439 words! (Excluding this outro and foot note.) I hope you found that chapter interesting. Next chapter Imma add in some spice into it where Shouto finally confront his father and some drama there. I swear I'm whipping up something good for you guys in my mind I have everything planned out to a tea. Also question, do you guys like the Endeavor POVS's or nah? Because I just think it's interesting to see into the mind of the antagonist but that's just me. Reminder that I post every Wednesday. And I am planning on doing other Tododeku books so tell me what you want to see. Peace out my peeps.
Adiós, ¡Hasta Luego!

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