Hello Again

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Aizawa's POV
   The brats were to lunch and I made way to the teachers lounge. I opened the door and Mic greeted me.
   "Hey Eraser!"
   "Hey Mic," I greeted him back. I went over to him and sat down on the sofa and smirked.
   "Oh you must be in a good mood today Shouta, did something happen?" Asked Nemuri. I just leaned back.
   "Mic just owes me money, that's all," Midnight clapped her hands together and asked,
   "Were you two betting on students again?" I just answered with a simple nod.
   "Ohhhhh! Who was is on this time? Was it on that floaty girl and Yagi's child?" I crossed my arms triumphantly and told her why I was so upbeat.
   "We betted on who would would we catch first doing the do at school. Team TodoDeku or Team KiriBaku. I voted Tododeku." Mic sunk in his seat.
     "And voted KiriBaku." Nemuri  giggled and Yamada groaned.
    "But I don't get it! Bakugou is way more aggressive so I thought he would be more demanding when it came to sex!" I patted his back and faked cooed.
   "It's okay Yamada. Now pay up." He groaned and looked at me.
   "Fine." He grabbed his wallet and grabbed a fifty dollar bill and gave it to me.
   "Thank you," I told him and put the fifty in my pocket.
   "Hey guys!" Yagi walked in holding a cup of coffee.
   "Hey," I greeted him back. He looked questionably at Yamada.
   "Why is he so down?"  I gave off a scoffed and continue to smirk.
   "Mic just lost a bet to Shouta, that's all." Midnight answered.
   "It was the third time I lost." He said with his head on the table. Yagi san pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled harshly.
    "What was the bet on this time?" Yagi asked unpleased. I just continue to lean back and sip some of my tea.  Nemuri continued to giggle and answer.
  "They betted who'd they would seen caught in the act at school." He started to drink is coffee.
   "Might I ask whom?" Yagi asked. Midnight just smirked.
   "The red haired one in 1A along with his angry boyfriend or The Endeavor child along with your boy Mr. Yagi." He spit out his coffee.
   "WHAT! Please tell me Aizawa betted on Kirishima and Bakugou!" Nobody spoke and Nemuri shook her head 'No.'
Yagi then proceeded to flop on the chair by Midnight and said.
   "Please tell me this isn't true!" He looked up at Nemuri and she said.
    "Look at Shouta here, he's the one who saw it not me." He then fumbled up and ran to me, shaking me by the shoulders.
   "Tell me Aizawa, how far did they go? Tell me that Todoroki boy didn't deflower my son!" He yowled. I look at Nemuri with unappreciative eyes. She just shrugged and smiled. I sighed.
   "No Yagi, Todoroki didn't deflower your son." He had a breath of relief
   "That's good." I wanted to mess with him so I did tell him what happened.
    "Well he did undo your kids paints and showed some 'attention' there and then picked him up and pinned him up on a wall." He cried in agony.
   "NO PLEASE! I DON'T WANNA HEAR ANYMORE!" I giggled and stated,
   "Get off, You need to get your act together Yagi." He sniffled,
   "Yeah your right. I should call Todoroki-kun to my classroom and-"
   "NOOOO!" We all yelled at All Might to stop. I decided to distract him with his kid.
   "You know lunch is almost over so I bet Midoriya went to the infirmary to get his sling off." He put down the PDA mic.
   "Yeah, yeah, today's a half day due to understaffing after the Villain attack last week so I'll harass my boy after school." We let out a breath of relief. Well at least it's after school.
Midoriya's POV
    Lunch was over so me and Sho went to the infirmary to get this sling off. We arrived at the infirmary and recovery girl greeted us.
   "Why hello Todoroki, are you keeping your friend here out of trouble?" He shrugged.
    "I try but you know how he is." She walked of to me and jumped up just to flick me on the forehead.
   Midoriya, I hope you're not pushing yourself too much, now have you?" She squinted her eyes at her and I got nervous.
   "Yeah, I've been playing it safe for the past few days ahahahaha...."  She looked at me really hard and I continued to sweat.
   "Hmmmm, well okay then, I better not see you here tomorrow young man." She walked off and left the room. I was about to leave but Todoroki grabbed my arm.
   "Let's just stay here for a while" he sat me down on the hospital bed and hugged me from behind.
   "Um Shouto?" He was still hugging me.
   "Please stay, I need to recharge." I patted his head and asked
   "Didn't you kiss me all lunch period?" He snuggled closer.
   "Yeah but it's been awhile that we held onto each other like this." I turned around and hugged him and we stayed like that for while. When finally let go I turn around to see Endeavor with... flowers. Todoroki stomped up to him and growled out.
   "Why are YOU here father?"  He put his hands up.
   "I got off work a little early and I came here to pick you up and apologize." I looked over at Todoroki and he looked furious.
    "Nice try father, but you never apologize."
   "I'm being serious-" He interrupted his father and yelled at him.
   "No father! I won't hear it!" I was at a lost of words. I know it's none if my business to pry into his family life but I do believe in second chances.
   "Shouto," he looked over at me, "listen to what he at least has to say, okay?" I gave him a pleading smile.
   "Fine!" He turned back to his father and crossed his arms.
   "I will listen to you, NOT because I want to but Izuku insisted."  I looked at Endeavor to see if there's any sign he might hurt Sho. He gave out a breath and spoke.
   "I just wanted to apologize for my outburst yesterday."
   "I'd call it more than a little outburst." Sho said under his breath." I gave him a stern look.
   "Fine, I'll play nice." I smiled and gave him a thank you and Endeavor continued his apology.
   "I was just so surprised that you were gay and I was so obsessed with maintaining an image that I excluded your feelings from this image that I hold so dear." Then Shouto got angry and yelled.
   "Yeah Dad, you've been doing that all your life! First Mom and then Touya, and now me!" I gave them both a look of endearment and I ran up and gave Todoroki a hug. He cooled off a bit and he starred up a conversation with his dad so I guess that's progress.
    "So, who are the flowers for?" Endeavor's eyes enlarged and said something that surprised us.
   "Oh, these are for your little boy toy here." He handed me the flowers and I was so confused. We both started at him blankly and he explained as to why he would do such an odd thing.
   "I got them because I also wanted to apologize to your um... ah, boyfriend because  I probably made him worry when I took you away and the internet said the best way to apologize is with flowers. So I did. I'll leave you two alone for a minute but then you need to come on Shouto." He walked out and I was so confused?
   "What the Quirk?" I say aloud, not knowing what happened.
    "That was weird, too weird I mean who would give their sons boyfriend flowers? Nonetheless get advice from the internet." Sho added on. I giggled.
    "You're one to talk." He looked at me offended.
    "What do you mean by that Izuku." I put the flowers down and placed my hands on his shoulders.
   "I mean, that you did the same thing, following bad advice and I still, don't know who gave it to you."
   "It was my brother." He told unadmittedly. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
  "You better go, your dads waiting for you." I looked at him lovingly in the eyes and cupped his cheeks. He grabbed ahold of my hand and caressed it.
"I don't want to leave you but I guess you're right." He gave me a quick kiss and left.
"Bye babe, I'll see you tomorrow." And I waved him goodbye.
After he left All Might came in and he didn't look so good.
"Dad, are you okay?" He sulked even further.
"Yeah I'm fine my boy. Let's just go to the car." I nodded and walked towards the car concerned about why Dad was acting that way.

   1485 words! (Excluding this outro) Wow, that was a long chapter. Though I still need to write a POV for Endeavor. Should I make it clear on which POV is who or nah, because I don't wanna confuse you guys. I know I keep saying that things are gonna pick up every chapter but you need a good foundation for it to make sense. Because I'm very twisted. Also I wanna know if I'm making things too long because I personally like long chapters I can get into. Though, that is just my opinion. And yeah, that's all I have to say. Peace out my peeps.
   Adiós, ¡Hasta Luego!

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