Exposure: The Night Before

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Midoriya POV
   I got out out the bath after just laying in it for an hour, weeping. I felt completely disgusted just touching my body in general cause he defiled me everywhere. My body is covered with hickeys and 1st degree burns. I tried to look at myself but I was repulsed by the reflection in the mirror. I couldn't even look at myself without breaking down.
   I put on a robe and went to my room and laid down in my bed. Everything felt so peaceful, yet my mind was like a whirlpool. It was so warm, yet I can't stop shaking. Why can't I stop shaking?
My head is still in pain, so I get up to get Tylenol, my body still experiencing vertigo. I walked to the kitchen and filled up a glass and that's when I heard Mom and Dad talking down the hall in there room. I know it's rude to eavesdrop but I heard my name so I know that they're talking about me.
   "Have you noticed something off about Izuku?" I heard my mom said.
   "He's less engaged like he used to be, I wonder what happened to him to react this way? Is his depression flaring up again?" I trudged my walk closer to the hallway to hear their conversation more.
   "That could be, he's progress on his mental health started to regress after the dinner party." Mom observed. Dad clicked his tongue, trying not to raise his voice. 
   "See, I told you those Todoroki's are trouble, I want him to have no association with them."
   "I think you just have a vendetta against them." Dad scoffed.
   "Vendetta or not that Shouto kid is bad news. Midoriya is now skipping class, which is something he never used to do until he started dating the kid and now, and whenever he leaves Todoroki's house, he looks so unhappy. Mind you only a few months ago he started going over there and each time he looks so heartbroken." I started to grip more on the wall  for support. Please don't blame Sho for my sadness, that's what I wanted to say but my voice, it won't come out. No matter how hard I tried, it wouldn't come out. I my throat, my heart beat beating harder, just trying to speak. They continued to speak but I didn't want to hear but if I cover my ears I know I'd fall.
   "Do you think Shouto did something to our Izuku?" He sighed.
   "Maybe, that our his father because he made him run out the room and cry! But if that's the case then why bring him over unless you're trying to do something to him!"
    "This is a very stressful situation indeed." I heard my mom cry and really wanted to go over there and comfort her but my legs won't move. Come on, come on dammit move!
   "Hey babe, don't cry, let's try talking to him and see what's making him so upset." Dad was consoling Mom as she cried more.
   "It's just that, last time he was like this, he left a note for suicide! I'm so worried about him because as his mom I should make him feel happy, and I failed at that too many times. I'm a failure of a mother!" I tried to hold in my tears. I never knew she felt this way. I was trying to stay up but my legs were getting heavier, my body weaker.
   "Come on, let's go talk to him." He opened the door to see me down the hall. We just started at each other, I looked at myself. What was I thinking to go to them, I'm disgusting! If I go to them now they'll see my body covered in hickeys, they'll be mad, they'll say it's my fault, they'll ask why I went over there, they'll, I started freaking out. Dad put a hand on my shoulder.
"Son, are you okay?" Don't touch me, don't touch me, don't touch me! I pushed his hand off me. I have to get away. I tried to activate my quirk to get away but there must've been remnants of the quirk inhibitor he used on me because when I used my quirk, everything went black.

   I wake to the sounds of notifications. Uggh, my head. What happened? I'm in my bed again... I rub the sleep out of my eyes, toss and turning around, just wallowing in my sorrow.
"I see your awake." I immediately shot up and looked at him terrified.
   "Dad!" I hid my body with my comforter and he grew suspicious. The tension was growing thicker as he at me in silence before finally speaking.
   "Izuku, my boy, I know I wasn't here for most of your adolescence but you can tell me anything, I'm here for you." I slowly went into a fetal position, resting my head on my knees. I'm sorry, I want to say what happened but whenever I try to, my throat doesn't allow me to. Silence still inhabited the room.
   "Does it have to with anything that happened recently?" I kept my head down and he tried again.
   "Is your relationship with Young Todoroki going okay?" I moved my head away from my dad. I didn't want to talk about it. I just to be left alone, I don't wanna be around. He scooted closer.
   "Did you guys fight, did he do things you perhaps didn't want-"
   "SHOUTO'S INNOCENT!" I shot up and yelled. He shot his arms up in defense.
   "Okay, okay, I was just making sure!" I was shocked at myself and covered my mouth. Those were the first words I managed to force out. Everything that happened, I still want Sho here but I can't. I don't anyone here right now.
   "Dad, please... just go away. For my sake please." He looked at me and got out of my chair.
   "Okay Son, remember your mother and I will be here if you need anything." He exited the room and talked to mom.
   I laid back down and started scrolling on my phone watching theories on gaming lore then a message popped up from Uraraka asking if I was alright and my messages said that I have 587 unread messages!?! What the quirk is going on? I check Uraraka's messages first.

Read at 7:06 pm (19:04)
- Deku, are you okay?
- Have you heard the rumors that've been going on?
- I hope that at least doing alright
- I'm giving my love and support
- Do you perhaps wanna talk about it?
- That's fine, get your rest
- I don't want to pester you about your situation
- I just want you to know that I don't blame you for what happened

   What the quirk is she talking about? It couldn't be me because Todoroki-San wouldn't leak anything right? Is he mad at me that I defied him too much. No let's be rational about this, he has a whole career, he wouldn't do something that big just to spite me, right? My hands shakily went the class GC to see what she was talking about. Then I saw it. Monoma sent a video of me, like that, to everyone.
I didn't know what to do, my life is over! People are gonna make fun of me, they'll say I like older men, my hero career is over cause no one will one want me! They'll see me as trash, they'll bully me again, and Shouto! He'll break up with me because I let other men touch me instead of him, he'll think I'm disgusting, he won't kiss me anymore, we won't hold hands, and he'll pretend that he doesn't even know me. He'll,
I started to breathe heavy, like real heavy, No matter how much I breathed it's like I couldn't couldn't get enough air. I was drowning, choking on my tears, like my feet are anchored. I can't breathe, I can't breathe, I can't breathe! I started to breaking down crying. I didn't cared who heard me I just started crying and crying, and I didn't stop. I may as well be anchored at the bottom of the sea because it's better than living like this.
My mom and dad came bursting in my room and I still didn't stop.
"Izuku honey, what's the matter?" I lunged myself at her and started crying on her chest uncontrollably sounding like a broken record on repeat,
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm-" I started to cry again and she shushed me and gently petted my hair.
   "Can you tell us what's upsetting you?"
   "I-" What can I say to her, I can't say anything, Sho can get in trouble, who said she'll even believe me? I felt a bigger wave of sadness rush over me. My throat was closing up again.
   "I can't..." she hugged me some more and rubbed circles on my back. Her touch felt warm.
   "That's okay sweetie, you can tell me when you're ready. Do you want something to eat, drink? You've been looking more pale recently." I looked up at her, she's so kind, so I can't worry her with her. I have her a weak smile.
   "Milk's fine."
   "Okay sweetie, you just lay down, I'll bring it to you along with some cookies but they'll take awhile." I gave her a nod and she smiled while exiting the room.
"Bye Mom," I silently closed the door and slowly slid down. Oh God, anyone's that's up there looking down at me, what am I gonna do?

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