Those Eyes part 2

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Todoroki's POV
It was the end of the car ride and I see Deku towards my car.
  "Deku," I wave him over and he reluctantly came towards me. As he approached me I saw him more clearly and it wasn't my usual Deku. His eyes were puffy and red, it looked like he lacked sleep, he didn't have his gorgeous smile on his face but a frown grazing his face. I went up to him and about to hug him he rejected. Now something is up. He never rejects my cuddles.
   "Babe, is something the matter?" His eyes got watery I was going in to comfort him but he backed away. He quietly said.
   "I don't think we should see each other anymore." My heart shattered into a million pieces. What how could this be? I thought we were going on strong? I can't believe the things I value, I VALUE the most in life He takes away. This can't be happening.
   "Babe, are you... breaking up with me?" Please don't tell me it's true." He didn't say anything instead cried and ran away. I yelled out.
   "DEKU!" I went back to my dad's car and yelled at his window.
   "SEE WHAT YOU DID? YOU ALWAYS TAKE AWAY THINGS THAT I CARE ABOUT" I stormed and ran after Deku yelling after him.
  "Deku, DEKU WAIT!" Time passed and I lost sight of him until I saw him in the old teachers lounge. I open the door to see Deku crying, sitting in a chair. I came up to him and pulled a chair. He hung his head up and looked me with those emerald eyes I love so much, he questioned,
   "We broke up didn't we? Why are you still pursuing me?" I looked at him directly and the eyes and declared my feelings.
   "I love you Deku and I can not just sit back while I know someone I love is getting hurt, Not again. I know you're not okay so can't we just talk?" He wiped his tears and proceeded to talk.
   "I know we agreed to keep our relationship a secret but I got tired because I can't just hide my love for you Shouto because I love you too much. Doubts fogged my mind and I even thought you were ashamed of me, and your father came in and that furthered my doubts and to think you kept us a secret for your safety, I know how your dad is and I was just being selfish. God; I'm just rambling now. I'm really sorry shou-" I kissed him and hard. I couldn't take it anymore, Deku should never be that way. We parted from the kiss and I breathed out,
   "Midoriya, I would never, be ashamed of you." He was panting and looked at me with those eyes that draw me in. I grabbed his face and looked him in the eyes.
   "You are my reason for living, for breathing! I could never let you go because it would be to painful. So please stay with me cause your mine, right?" Midoriya gave me a kiss on the cheek and blushed all crazy. I chuckled and returned the favor by kissing him on the lips. The kiss became more heated and I remembered what Natsuo said. I parted the kiss. Izuku's eyes were lidded and blush consumed his pale freckled skin. I continued down the neck, giving him butterfly kisses up and down his neck.
   "Hahahaha, Sho, what are you doing?" I continued kissing him and started to unzip his pants and then he started to push away but I was being persistent and he started to buck his hips, squirming  around trying to get away. I finally stopped and he plainly asked,
   "Sho, what are you doing?" I started to panic and I asked him the question that was based around his whole theory.
   "Are you sexually frustrated?" He just started at me and I felt incredibly stupid for being on top of him like this. He began to laugh and asked,
   "Who in their right mind gave you such an idea!" I turned completely white. Stupid Brother, I can't believe I believed him. He giggled and said
   "I know that someone had to give you the idea because you wouldn't normally do such a thing unless," he batted his eyes all cute and innocent like "my, my Shouto having such thoughts about your boyfriend. That's very perverted of you Sho." I completely short circuited. I try to keep it cool and explain.
   "It wasn't my idea but I do have to admit, I have thought of you in perverted ways." He turned into the color of a tomato and I chuckled.
   "Sho!" He wined.
   "Yes babe," he went and kissed me on the nose.
   "Does this mean no more us being a secret?" He asked. I swiftly picked him and myself up and spun him around. 
   "Yes my love, no more secrets." We kissed and Deku's body was wrapped around me and to make sure he didn't fall I had him against a wall. This we're getting heated again until I heard the door slide open to reveal Mister Aizawa  in the frame. He looked at us and we froze in terror. It was like that for a good thirty seconds until he broke the silence.
   "Go get to class. I don't get paid enough for this." I put Deku down and we scurried along to class. 

Endeavor POV
   I was up all night and I could remember whose eyes those belong to. I got ready for the day and called Shouto to drive him to school and I saw those kids eyes again. They're were filled up with tears and like that, they were gone. My son came to me and yelled.
   "SEE WHAT YOU DID? YOU ALWAYS TAKE AWY THINGS THAT I CARE ABOUT!"  He ran off but I was too distracted on whose eyes they were. Those tear stained eyes are those is that I believe was my first love. Himari Midoriya.

   982 words! (Excluding this outro) it's a little short but I wanted to leave you on another cliffhanger and yes, I'm changing the original BNHA facts a little bit to fit my story. Originally I wanted to make it Inko, Midoriya's mom but then the story wouldn't be so cohesive. And I need to focus the obsession on him because then it wouldn't be a yandere story without it. And yes, All Might is Midoriya's Step-Dad because I still believe All for One is Izuku's legitimize father but All Might been there since he was little making him his Dad  and I do ship All Might x Mama Inko just ya know. I'll be signing off, peace out my peeps.
   Adiós, ¡Hasta Luego!

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