Not so Cozy Cuddles

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Deku's POV
   The bell rung again and we were walking to lunch and saw Iida, Uraraka, and Tsuyu and headed up to them.
   "Oh hey guys, what's up?" Iida started and adjusted his glasses.
   "And where were you two when English class started?" I tensed up.
   "The were probably woohoo-ing like The Sims." I blushed.
   "Uraraka that is not appropriate talk for school, and as for you two, I hope you think you're well enough at English, because there's a test next week." I panicked. Darn it, I shouldn't have skipped. Sho noticed and squeezed my hand.
"It's okay, the day before we have the test, we can study at my place since we always have tests on Monday." I cheered up and hugged his arm.
"Thanks Sho-Kun." I giggled because he always found a way to make feel better.
"Don't think that you're out of the clear yet, our test will be on English idioms and conjunctions." Tsuyu elbowed him.
"Don't get kicked by a horse." (Foot Note: Tsuyu is referring to the old Japanese proverb that 'whoever sha'll interfere with love will get kicked by a horse and die' or, something like that) Uraraka walked along to the cafeteria.
"Come on guys, let's go before all the good options for lunch is gone." We walked to lunch together with me still on his arm, Sho-kun smiled lightly at me and said,
   "Come to my house an hour before noon, so we can study without being bothered Sunday." I nodded my head.
   "Okay!" We headed off to lunch not giving a care to the world.

   The day has finally arrived and I was stressing out what to wear. I know it was just a study date but still, I wanna look nice without giving off that I tried, ya'know? I gripped my hair, should I wear jeans? Sweats? Jersey Knit? I calmed down and finally decided on some light baby blue high waisted boyfriend cut jeans, and a apricot and turquoise stripped oversized shirt tucked into my pants. And a white turtleneck underneath. I check myself out a few times to make sure I look good and I put on my infamous red shoes, grab my study material, and head out the door.
"Bye Mom, bye Dad, I'm off to Todoroki's house." She waved me goodbye.
"Goodbye Darling, make sure to be safe on your way to the station." I was about to close the door and Yagi crashed into the kitchen and ran up to me, grabbing me by my shoulders.
"Dad?" I questioned. He looked serious for a moment and sulked down to my height.
"Please... don't go. I don't trust them in the protection of my sweet innocent boy." I brushed it off and patted his back.
"I'll be fine dad, me and Sho are just gonna study for the English test tomorrow." He perked up.
"Why not study with me, I went to America for college you know." I pried him off.
"Dad, I already made the arrangements earlier so I can't just not go." He pleaded with me.
"Izu, please don't go. The last time you were there it was a hot mess and I won't be there to do anything if things go south." I never really thought about it like that but Sho is expecting me.
"It's okay Dad, it'll just be me and Sho this time." He just stared there for a moment and hysterically clung onto me and yelled.
"THAT'S EVEN WORSE! I can't trust that horny hormonal teenager around an innocent thing like you!" I tried pushing him off.
"Dad, I think you're being a bit much." He still hugged me. I sighed.
"If you drive me there will you feel better?" He nodded. I patted his head.
"Okay then," Yagi was grabbing his keys and Mom waved us goodbye.
"Bye you two, don't cause any trouble Toshinori."
"I won't sweetheart." We waved Mom goodbye and got into the car.
We got to the Todoroki residence and I waved Yagi goodbye.
"Bye Dad, I'll call you when we get done with studying." He waved back.
"Bye Son, remember if anyone hurts a hair on your head I'll make sure to Detroit smash their teeth in." We said our final goodbyes and I went up to their house and rung the door bell. A few moments of silenced passed by and Sho-kun opened the door. I excitedly hugged him and he hugged back.
"Hey babe." He kissed my forehead.
"Hey Sho-kun," I say back with a blush. I hug him and take off my shoes before coming in.
   We get on the couch and I pull out my study materials out and Shouto sits next to me.
   "So where do you wanna start?" He asks.
   "Well, can we brush up on homophones, prepositions, adjectives, independent and dependent clauses, conjunctions," I veered off trying to think of want else I was missing. Shouto looked stunned.
   "How are you not failing?!? Just, tell me what you do know." I smiled sheepishly.
   "I know English greetings, nouns, and verbs." He sighed and said,
   "We, have a lot of work to do." He sheepishly scratched the back off his head.

Todoroki's POV
We worked on our English and I heard footsteps coming towards us. Who could that be? No one is supposed to be there and the maids don't do their rounds until later in the afternoon. I got got ready to attack and Izu did the same. The footsteps came closer to reveal my scumbag of a father. Izu tensed up and froze. I glared.
"What are you doing here?" He grinned at my boyfriend and I protectively extended my arm out across Deku. He brushed this sign off and continued to saunter around casually.
"I was visiting your mother, along with your siblings Shouto, but the doctors kicked me out because only two people are allowed in at a time. Not to mention the doctors say I'm a trigger factor." He sat in the recliner next to Izu and Izu looked more nervous. My father smirked at me and asked,
"Shouto, can you go down to the wine cellar and give a bottle of 'vin de pays'?" (Vin de Pays is the 3rd highest classification of French wines, patent on the bottle that it's been fermenting for at least five years. Fun fact, vin de pays translates to 'wine of the country') I don't trust him alone with him. I retaliated.
"No, why would you drink when there's company over, let alone my boyfriend!" He glared at me and raised his voice.
"Like it or not Shouto, you are my son, and when I ask you to do something then you will do it! Do I make myself clear!" I sulked in defeat and quietly said,
"Come on Izu, let's go get my dad his wine." Izu was getting up but father held his arm up blocking him.
"No, sit down Midoriya. As you said, he's a guest. You shouldn't put guest to work." He sneered. Izu nervously spoke up.
"No it's fine, I don't mind really I- " Father cut him off.
"Stay out of this Midoriya, you're fine where you are." He backed down, nervously sitting back on the couch, "As for you, I asked you to do something, so go do it." I aggravatingly walk away and he called out,
"Can you get the Franciacorta (This wine is referred as the 'Italian champagne' Also this wine is from the highest classification of Italian wines called 'Denominazione di Orgine Control-lata e Garanita) from that collection I told you from, in the back of the cellar?" I groaned.
"Fine!" Better make this a quick trip, no guessing what father might do my Izu.
I speed walked into the wine cellar and went into the back like he said and looking for those 'vin de pays' bottles he was talking about but I couldn't find what he was talking about. Not to mention that the French wines are all the way in the back nonetheless. I was keep looking for it and then my brain clicked. Why is he breaking out the expensive wine when only he is home? More importantly, why am I looking for an Italian imported product in the French part of the wine cellar? He couldn't of mistaken his wine because of his extensive collection down here unless.... Oh no, Izuku! I rush upstairs hoping that nothing happened. God I am so stupid! Izu... I just hope you're okay.

   1331 words! (Excluding this outro, and today's footnote) I'm really sorry I missed last week's post but I promise to make it up to you. I'm @GoddessOfYaoi, not @GoddessOfWeather, (don't know if she real sis') I'll post an extra chapter to make up for it. So, with that out of the way, I needed to make this chapter so Endeavor and Midoriya can be alone so we can see how Todoroki-San's obsession is getting worse I needed Todoroki out the way because I felt like the viewer needed to see their relationship as more than 'oh you fucked up because you touched a minor and that's bad' when there's more to it than that and I want it to show in part two. So my thoughts are over, peace out my peeps!
Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!

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