I'm so Digusted with Myself

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Todoroki's POV
   Izuku started to calm down which was nice and I went to my room to pack my things but Izu seemed, off. Like, he was keeping a secret from me. I don't wanna cause him any trouble so I'll ask him later when we're in his room. I was done packing and Fuyumi told me that she'll tell father if he ask. I thank her and walk over to my boyfriend and he was being comforted by his parents. I went up to him and pat him on his back. He turned around, looked up at me, then hugged me like he was hugging me goodbye. What happened to him while he was up here and what did my father, do to him.
We went to All Mights car and the driveway back to his house was silent. His mom tried to make small talk.
"So... are you kids planning to stay up late?" I looked over at Izuku, nothing. She tried again.
"You two better not stay up too late or else I'll show Shouto here all of your baby pictures." I looked over at him, still nothing. All he was doing was messing with his wrist, but why? His mother stopped pursuing and the car ride was filled with a depressing silence.
I enter his home and take of my shoes and Izuku grabbed my shoulder and said.
"Hey, Imma go take a shower so you can go to my room okay. You remember where it is, upstairs, take a left, you can't miss it." He smiled at me but it wasn't genuine. He's been off ever since I found him after running off like that.
"I just wanted to ask, are you okay? Not to pry or anything." He smiled even wider.
"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" He pulled down his shirt sleeve some more and walked off to the bathroom.

Izuku's POV
I hurry my way to the bathroom because I can't have him see me like that. I believe he may have caught on to the scorch marks left by Endeavor. I grab my pajamas and go to the bathroom. The first thing I do is grab my toothbrush and try to get the taste of him out of my mouth to wash him out of my system, my memory. I brush and I brush and after three globs of toothpaste and 7 minutes later after my tongue was bleeding I finally felt like I was done brushing my teeth. I tried to smile at my pearly whites but I couldn't; god I'm pathetic. I told myself that I would be a hero with a smile on his face like dad but I can't even do that. I'm so useless. I mess everything up and putting Shouto's safety in danger. I'M SUCH AN IDIOT! I go in the shower to try and wipe all essence, all trace of him off me and be strong. I tried hard not to unravel but I couldn't help the tears from falling down my face. Silently, tears were streaming down my face as I crouch down hugging myself as water hit my back as I sobbed. I'M SO DISGUSTED WITH MYSELF! How come I didn't overpower him and get away, why did I let himself do that to me? I felt so weak, so submissive, and it was so execrable. Though, no matter how much I didn't like it, I know why I did it. I did it because Sho is my life so I don't wanna see anything bad happen to him. I don't wanna go back, I really don't but, what will happen when he calls me back? These thoughts started to spiral in my head and I started to sob harder in the bath tub.

Todoroki's POV
    I've been waiting for over a quarter 'til and he hasn't come out of the restroom. Surely it doesn't take that long to do nightly essentials. I knock on the bathroom door.
   "Izuku honey, are you okay in there?" No response. I place my ear closer to the door and heard running water. I listened closer, it sound as if... he was crying!
    "IZUKU!" I jiggled the door,
    "Locked, Dammit!" I let out. I started ramming myself into the door and then using my ice quirk to freeze the lock and break down the door. I finally got in and I'm all frantic as to what caused him to cry and I rush to him. I turn off the water and he looks up at me with his tear stained eyes.
     "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" I get him out the tub and grab a towel and start to dry him off. He doesn't respond to my touches but instead look away.
     "Izuku, Babe, it pains me to see you this way. Please, tell me what's wrong." He doesn't say anything. My heart felt pulverized and I looked down trying not to loose control. He doesn't need to be faced with negative emotion. I let out a breath. 
    "Just tell me when you're ready." It looked like he was gonna say something but then didn't and started to get dress and I just walked away. He carries so many burdens. He lifted mine so it's only fair that I help him carry his too. I sat on his bed and he finally came out wearing an oversized tee and plaid boxers. He just looked at me and stood in the door frames looking down.
     "Are you ready to talk about it?" He lifted his head and looked at me with tears down his face and ran up to me hugging me tight and started to wail. He just kept crying, and crying hard as he desperately clung on to me as if he he was afraid to let go. I patted and rubbed circles 'round his back. After a while he seemed to calm down a little bit do I asked him.
   "Do you think you are calm enough to tell me what happened?" He nodded his head and wiped away his tears, sniffling a bit too. He sat on my lap and softly said.
   "I... can't." I had my hands on is shoulders and looked him in the eyes but then he looked away. I got angry.
    "Tch, what do mean you can't? Weren't you the one who said no said no more secrets? Huh, so tell me what happened while I was gone cause something did happen Izuku!" He continued to look away.
    "Your father is cruel, licentious, condescending, and a liar." I'm tired of him not being direct.
    "What the HELL does that mean Izuku? What did my father do to you!?! He lifted his head up, his eyes like dams that on the verge of breaking. He went up and kissed me, and kissed me hard. This was different then all the other kisses he's given me. It feels somehow... suffocating. The kiss didn't stop and he started to grind on me. My eyes went wide and I pushed him off me causing him to fall on the floor.
    "Izuku, why the hell did you that?" He didn't looked at me but rather he looked disheveled on the floor. I calmed down and the level of being concerned for my boyfriend increased by the second. Silent tears were coming down his face and I went up to him.
    "I'm sorry Izu, I got hot headed and made you upset." He suddenly gave me a big hug, holding me tight, as if telling me that everything is okay. I lifted him up and laid him down on the bed and putting myself underneath the cover as well. And we drifted off to sleep with us in each others arms.

1296 words! (Excluding this outro) This felt like a long chapter  even though it wasn't because I procrastinated and it took like four days to write. If wondering why I wrote that Izuku did that to Shouto, it was because that I am a very meticulous writer thinking things through and in Midoriya's standpoint, Endeavor said not to TELL Shouto what happened, he never said anything about showing him, but of course he felt bad after doing that and Shouto doesn't catch on yet. He knows his father did something but he doesn't know what yet. And also, in the beginning I had a different plan with the ending of this chapter where Izuku just keeps his mouth shut and Shouto gets angry and shows similarities where he is like his father in a sense that he needs to be controlling over situations, giving Midoriya some internal conflict where I can write a way to a 'Rei Todoroki situation' but then I was like 'nah fam, Imma do this instead.' Because Todoroki isn't like that, and Izuku I feel like he tries to give hints to what's wrong, even if they're the most subtle . Hence the Stain situation.  Peace out my Peeps.
    Adiós, ¡Hasta Luego!

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