Not so Cozy Cuddles Part 2

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Endeavor's POV
I got kicked out of the hospital because of me being a trigger factor for Rei. The kids are with her but Sho is left alone at the house and Fuyumi suggested that Shouto comes because 'When I drop Shouto off, she'll be more calm and she'll be happy to see him' I honestly detested the idea but then I thought that I can maybe, call Midoriya-Kun. I know he'll answer because well, it's me. I swear when he gets all defensive, he sounds just like her. So I agreed.
I got home and was walking into the kitchen for a snack and on my way I see an angel sitting right next to my son. I grinned at him and of course my son had to talk to me in a disrespectful manner,
"What are you doing here?" I brushed it off because I wanted to look good in front of him.
   "I was visiting your mother, along with your siblings Shouto, but the doctor kicked me out because only two people are allowed in at a time. Not to mention the doctors say I'm a trigger factor." I walk my over and sit next to Midoriya and I find him more tantalizing the more I stare at him. I want to be alone with him but first I need to get rid of Shouto. I smirked.
"Shouto, could you go down to the wine cellar and get me bottle of 'Vin de Pays'?" He refused as always. I swear, he never does what I ask, what a troublesome son.
   "No, why would you drink when there's company over, let alone my boyfriend!" I got irritated with my sons behavior.
   "Like it or not Shouto, you are my son, and when I ask you to do something then you will do it! Do I make myself clear!" He stepped down and now my long awaited and I can be alone together.
   "Come on Izu, let's go get my dads wine." I extended my arm out blocking my requited love from leaving.
   "No, sit down Midoriya." I smirked at my son, using his words against him.
   "As you said, he's a guest. You shouldn't put guest to work." He gave off a nervous laugh and said to me,
"No it's fine, I don't mind really I-"
   "Stay out of this Midoriya, you're fine where you are." Can't you just see that I'm doing this for us, so we can be alone together without my son obliging. Speaking of Shouto,
"As for you, I've asked you to do something so do it." He groaned and walked away. Then I got an idea.
   "Can you get the Franciacorta?" I hid a smile. I asked for an Italian wine but from a French collection. It will be awhile before he catches on my little goose chase, especially cause I keep my French wines in the way back of the cellar. I looked back at the green headed angel. He was fidgeting around averting his gaze from me.
"So, we meet again." He still didn't look at me. I got irritated and lifted up his chin.
"You know it's disrespectful to not look your elder in their eyes." I kept examining his face, those emerald eyes that drew me in so long ago. His pale skin, his freckled face, his heart shaped face. I find him so attractive and yet...
"I wish you were a girl so you can be wed off to me at sixteen." He started to push away from my grasp but I found his light pink lips so tantalizing. I kissed him but he kept squirming around so I let go and looked at him. He looked similar to a kicked puppy. His green eyes becoming glossy.
"Why... are you doing this to me? Is it because you hate Shouto that much?" I laughed.
   "This isn't about him, it was never about him. Once I saw those eyes were in my life again I just believed, that this was a second chance by the Gods! Don't you see, it was just destined for us to be together, in past life, now, and in future you belong to me!" Yes, love like this surely can stand any test of time." He was scooting away trying not to cry.
    "Aren't the photos that I send to you enough? We agreed, that if I send them than no one gets hurt.... What more do you want from me?" He barley said above a whisper. I get closer to him.
   "I want something tangible, something I can touch." His eyes widened. I grabbed his hands and whisper in his ear.
   "I told you, those eyes are mine." I couldn't helped myself, I climbed on top of him and started to kiss him, I started to kiss him hard. He was struggling under my grasp and I felt so dominant, like things were right in the natural order. I want this forever, I want us together, I asked him.
    "You're the same age as my son right, so you'll be eighteen soon? Then I can take you away." He started to cry and I licked the tears away.
   "I wanna put you away, where no one else can find you, no one but me! But then, I'll have Dad Might on my ass." He continued to squirm away and I kept telling him my woes and kissing him.
"You know I wanted this so much, I wanted to feel you, see your pretty emotions, I've been waiting all this time, payback for what All Might did to you." I kept kissing him until he was patting my back of lack of oxygen. He cutely panted with tears pooling up in his eyes he shakily let let out.
"I'm sorry that the one you loved is gone, but I'm not her so please.... stop doing this to me." I got irritated. How come he can't see that those eyes are mine, that he is mine! When I saw those eyes light up it reminded me so much of her, and I want that again. I wanna see those eyes again sparkle and show me so many emotions. I had an idea to show that he was mine. I started to pull down his turtleneck and he was playing major hard to get moving more.
"No, hey no! What do you think you're doing?" He was bucking so hard that he almost moved me so I wrapped one hand around him and licked his neck.
"Hey, what you're doing isn't funny so stop! Fwah~" I bit on his neck causing a hickey and he used his quirk to push me off and yelled at me.
"I SAID FOR YOU TO STOP!" Tears we're in his eyes and I just started at him and this is the first time I saw him like that, with such passion. His eyes just like her, it was a turn on. He suddenly backed down, like he noticed what he did and backed away.
"I'm sorry but I feel like it's best for me to go." He ran off and left me there on the floor. My initial reaction was to yell at him and tell him to come back here but I feel like I need to change my approach for him to reciprocate my feelings. Not to mention, he did moan for me so I should be satisfied, but that only makes me crave him more.

1243 words. I'm just giving you guys more timber to fuel to the fire of Endeavor's casket for when he dies like he should. I swear I got annoyed at this fool, even though I was writing his POV. Does that even make sense? Whenever I wrote dialogue for Endeavor I was just like 'Can you shut up?' I swear, I'm just a weird little Cuban girl. 😊 Well, I don't really have much to say except that there is some more sad shit coming up so prepare your tissues for Izuku, pitchforks and torches for Endeavor, and your 'I don't know what to do with you's' for Todoroki. Peace out my peeps!
Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!

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