I'll Never Blame You

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Todoroki's POV
It was passing time in U.A and I saw All Might head to the principal's office in a hurry. Quite strange, though I didn't have to wait to find my answer as to why.
   Lunch time came and the T.V's announced the situation.
   'Endeavor into new Controversy' 'Leaked Porno of Endeavor and a Minor' 'Endeavor could be faced with serious federal crimes' What. The. Fucking. Hell!?!
   'Does Izu know? Did he watch the news today?!? I should've kept him distracted!!! Who could of known? I thought they were trying to keep this low profile.' I mentally scolded myself knowing how upset is going to be when he hears this. I just pray to God that he doesn't have too big of a panic attack.
   I got up, not caring to finish my soba cause boyfriends are more important than food right now.
   Heading towards the exit, a couple of random kids went in my way, blocking the door.
   "May you please move, I have somewhere I need to go." He pushed me back.
   "No. You think you're I'll oblige to you cause you're dad has money? Looks to me that you're the child of a rapist." I was starting to get angry and it was starting to show because he started taunting me.
"Oh no! He's getting angry, let's get away or else he might touch you like his dad!" They started laughing at me. I wanted to teach this guy a lesson but it's not worth my time.
"Excuse me." I said with more haste, but the main instigator had his goonies block the door still.
"No need to get rude child rapist. Son of #1 hero my ass. I bet you didn't care what went on inside your house as long you got a nice allowance each week." Anger was boiling up inside of me. This guy doesn't even know what he's taking about; speaking from a place of jealousy.
"I bet your dad paid for you to be in 1-A. Oh actually he did, with you getting that spot from recommendation. Tell me, did he pay that kid to come there as well to make tapes of him." All the sudden a lot of kids we're circled around seeing what we're going to happen between us. Uggh, I don't have time for this!
"Move." He just laughed.
"Or what? You're gonna make me?" He pushed me. That's it, I've been nice enough to this guy. I punched him straight in his jaw and the crowd jerked. He looked at me with extreme anger while getting up.
"You're going to pay for that, you Bill Cosby dad having ass bitch!" He tried to punch me but I evaded and his goonies were trying to jump me. Either way win or loose, I'll be sent to the principals office to be sent home so it won't be that bad. I evaded another attack and like clock work class rep came in with Aizawa mutter under his breath.
"You're going have a good explanation as to why I- and of course you're the reason I'm getting called here." He looked straight at me and sighed.
"What is everyone doing!" He yelled, "Everyone sit down or else you won't get lunch tomorrow!" Everyone started to clear out and this was my chance to escape but Aizawa caught me by my collar.
"You're coming with me Todoroki-Kun, I need to have a chat with you." I gave a heavy sigh and followed him to an empty corridor.
"Iida filled me in on what-"
"You've got it all wrong!" I interrupted, "I originally wasn't gonna fight them but they said something insulting about Izu and-"
"Save it." He says plainly.
"But Aizawa-Sensei-" He looked at me and I silently backed down.
"Call All Might first." He states and I became confused.
"Call Yagi-San to see if it's okay if you can come over. Then, I'm going count you absent because by the time I find you you'll already be off school grounds. You'll serve detention later this week because this will be the third time I mark you with an unexcused absence. You may go now." I gave a slight nod and rushing towards the nearest exit getting my new undamaged iPhone out 'bout to call Yagi when my phone rang. 'Father-in-Law' showed up on the screen.
"Young Todoroki, I know lunch is about to end for you guys but do you mind coming to the house after school? Izu needs some cheering up and I don't know what to do."
"I'll be there right away, got into a fight. See you as soon as I can, bye." I hung up and put in the location into my phone and started heading off to Izu's house.

A few wrong turns and major detours later, I made it to Izu's place and knocked on the door and Yagi opened up.
"How is he?" I immediately ask.
"He's on the couch. I finally got him out of his his room because I was scared because he could be doing anything behind that door." I nodded and stepped in. Seeing Izu on the couch watching finding Nemo. He seemed out of it so I decided to sneak up behind him.
I put my hands over his eyes and went down to his ear.
"Guess who?" He still seemed out of it and I jumped over the back of the couch right next to him.
"Hey," I grabbed his hand but he had little reaction so I'm guessing he just had a panic attack not too long ago." I was getting concerned thinking to myself all the possibilities that could occurred with him freaking out and that's when he put his head on my looking up at me with those glossy beautiful eyes.
"I'm sorry." I was confused.
"Why are you apologizing? I was planning to skip anyway." He gently grabbed my face.
"I put you through so much worrying about me, and know I dragged your family name through the dirt." I played with his curls, gently entangling my fingers trying to stop this self blame.
"Izu it is not your fault for what happened to you, and it is not your fault for what they show on the news. News reporters go through whole ethical training and someone obviously failed because they saw this as entertainment. So stop blaming yourself for things you didn't do." I kissed his forehead, "I would never blame you for anything that has happened to you. And anyone can drag my family through the dirt as much as they like cause when we're out of high school it won't matter." He gave me a little smile.
"Thanks, I needed to hear that." He says. I smiled back at him.
"Let's continue to watch the movie." He giddily got of my lap and grabbed a blanket to put over us.
"You want me to make popcorn?" Yagi-San asked.
"Yes please, I skipped out on lunch today." I answered.
"You skipped out on lunch to see me?" Izu asked all big eyed. I laughed.
"Yeah, I told told myself that boyfriends are more important than soba. Though it took me longer then intended to get here." Izu giggled and asked,
"Did you get lost again?" I blushed.
"Let's just say that I ran into complications trying to get from school to here." He laughed some more and I'm glad that Izu is finally starting to feel better.
"The popcorn's done." He gave us a bowl and we continued to converse and watch the movie where the questioned dawned to Izu to ask about the case and everything that's been going on from my view.
"Hey Sho, since my case is already out there do you think that Todoroki-San has seen it yet?" I sighed.
"I don't know, probably. Why are even thinking about that old bastard anyway?" He looked down fiddling with his fingers.
"Well um I..." I put my arm around him.
"You're safe. Right now my dad is on paid leave being on 'vacation' in his cabin in the old capital, far away from you. I mean, it's stupid if it thinks it can come back and hurt you. Cause this time, I'll be here to protect you." We started entangling our hands more and he smiled at me.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." Izu went up and kissed my cheek, "What else could go wrong?"

1416 words! (Excluding this outro) I have nothing to say except I'm excited to write next chapter for you guys. Peace out my peeps.
Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!

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