Another Fluff Chapter

594 23 5

Midoriya POV
It is now morning and Shouto stayed the night. It felt really nice because showered me with love and attention. Needless to say that I was a blushing mess all throughout the night.
I was the first one to get up and do my morning essentials. When I got back for my clothes, he still wasn't awake. I tried nudging him awake.
"Sho, it's time to wake up." He turned the other way and groaned while hugging my pillow. I frowned.
"Come on Shouto get up! You have school today?" He covered himself more.
"If you don't wake up I won't give you anymore hugs." I threatened. He looked at me angry and in one fowl swoop he grabbed me and hugged me, tangling his legs with mine.
"Now I get all the hugs." He groggily said. I was trying to get out his grip but he wouldn't let go. I groaned.
"Shouto Todoroki, we have places to be. I won't be late because you won't get out of my bed." I tried even harder to get up but he held me tighter spooning me putting more of his weight on me.
   "Sho, get off of me! You're so heavy!" He kissed my neck and smiled.
   "I'm sure you can handle mister heavy lifter." He started to kiss me some more and I was trying to shield myself from him.
   "Shouto stop! I still need to get dressed , and you have morning breath!" I laughed out. He didn't listen and then proceeded to breath on me.
   "Ew Shouto, you're so gross!" I then used one percent of my power to get out of his grasp and I was laying on top of him and held his above his hands so he couldn't try anything.
   He suddenly bursts out laughing and I crossed my arms  glared at him.
   "Why are you laughing; I am genuinely mad at you!" I pouted and he just cooed.
   "Oh sorry baby it's just that," he held hand and brushed my green curls behind my ear "I just found you so beautiful right now." His words were a tug on my heart strings. I leaned closer to him and asked him.
   "H-hey, can I kiss you, just for a little bit? A parting gift so I can make it throw giving my testimony." He pulled me down closer.
   "You don't need to ask me every time." Our faces crept closer, going in for a kiss our lips just barely touching when my father opened the door.
   "Hey kiddos your mother just wanted- JUST WHAT IN DARN-NATION IS GOING ON HERE?" I then noticed the position we were in with me on top of my boyfriend in just my underwear, and going in for a kiss. I blushed and yelled out.
   "IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK DAD, I-I WAS JUST-" I blushed some more and hid my face in the crook of Sho's neck.
   "Help me out here Sho!" I whine. He just laughed and sweetly held me.
   "Don't let this scene out of context fool you sir, I was not going to do inappropriate things with your son, not unless he wants to." Sho smirked.
   "SHOUTO!" I yelled while slugging him. He laughed.
   "What? You know I'm never gonna turn down a request from you." He started kissing me again.
   "Then how about waking up early with me everyday?" He suddenly let me go and went under the covers once more.
   "Shouto!" I laughed. He yawned.
   "You wake up too early for my taste." I giggled some more.
   "But didn't you say you'd do anything for me?" He sighed.
   "Anything but that." I just sighed and smiled at him.
   "Well Young Todoroki, you'll also have to say goodbye to my son because he has a date with my lawyers and legal advisers. Today, his schedule is packed." I was going to get up when Sho rested his chin on my shoulder.
   "So you're saying if I wear a suit and say 'objection' a lot, I win a free date with Izu." I just pushed him off.
   "Maybe if you get ready we can see if my day allows it. You also have school so get ready." He groaned.
"Ugh fine, you win." He stole the blanket from my bed and wrapped it around him.
"You'll this back later." He yelled in the hallway towards the bathroom. I just laughed at his antics and picked out my clothes for the day.

Sho was done and joined us downstairs and I was grabbing my things for my trip the law firm.
"Going already Izu?" Sho asked while munching on some toast.
"Yeah sorry. I wish we can spend more time together but to no avail." He kissed me on the top of my head.
"See ya 'til then. I'll call my brother and tell him to bring me my uniform once I get to school." I waved him off as he was walking out the door putting in the coordinates for U.A.
I took a sigh knowing what's to come. My mom grabbed her purse and smiled.
"Are you ready to go sweetie?" The tone turned serious and I took a breath.
"Yes. This will get me the resolution I need to move forward."

881 words! (Excluding this outro) I finally posted on time today! 🥳🎉🎊 Crunch time is coming to an end along with the semester. I have a really big test in biology tomorrow and I still don't know what it's about. I hope it isn't on photosynthesis bc I still don't know the difference between the Calvin Cycle and The Krebs Cycle, not to mention the difference between PSI and PSII and no, I'm not talking about PlayStation 1 and 2. All I know is the chemical composition for glucose, C6H12O6 and what is that going to do? Not to mention I also need to finish my feature in my intro in to media class but overall, my schedule has cleaned up a bit and I'm so glad the semester is coming to an end. I'm feeling refreshed and motivated to make this story good for you guys. Peace out my peeps.
Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!

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