A Talk with Todoroki-San

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Midoriya's POV
It was a few hours after Sho went home and my parents came home and I sitting in my room on my bed, scrolling on my phone when a message popped up. 'Todoroki-San' I gulped and clicked on it thinking that he was mad for me not sending what he wanted. My hands were shaking as I read.

Read at 7:32 pm
-Come to my House @12:30 on Sunday.

That single message had my whole body shaking. Why did I think that he'll not be angry for not sending? He probably wants to hurt me again! Should I go? No Izuku, you told yourself that you wanted this stop so stay your ground. I typed back.

Broccoli Boy🥦😇🥦
Read at 7:35 pm
-I don't think I should

What's with that passive response?!? I thought you were confident. He texted again.

Read at 7:35 pm
-Come on Izuku, I promise not to hurt you.

   I thought of what he for a moment. It's bad doing deals with the devil, but I'm not the only one at hostage here. I texted back.

Broccoli Boy🥦😇🥦
Read at 7:36 pm
-I will come if you insure me Shouto's safety.

Read at 7:36 pm
- It's a deal then.

Broccoli Boy🥦😇🥦
Read at 7:37 pm
-Also you  have to keep your word
-On not hurting me OR Sho.

Read at 7:37 pm
- I can almost your adorable face getting angry at me Izuku.

Broccoli Boy🥦😇🥦
Read at 7:37 pm

Read  at 7:37 pm
-Fine, fine. You have my word.

   I turned my phone off and groaned and flopped on my bed. Ugh! Way to go Izu, what are you gonna say to this man after you go to his mansion. I didn't think things would get this far to the point where I'm so uncomfortable where I'm so nervous around other people more than usual cause heck! Kacchan is scary but a Endeavor's worse! He has more power over me, he has everything over me. Height, weight, a developed and mastered quirk, not to mention he's #1 hero in all of Japan! He literally has everything over me and I... need to this for the sake of my sanity.
I don't wanna continue this! I thought it'd be fine if it was only once but this has been happening for over three months and I want it to stop! I don't wanna do this anymore! All I wanna do is make sure Sho's okay but this!
Tears started streaming down my face. That's why I'm going to head over like he said and tell him that I've had enough. I need this to stop and I need to stand my ground.

  The days went by until it was the day Todoroki-San told me to go to his estate. For whatever reason may be. I just hope it's a quick visit. I got ready and was out the door when my mom bid a goodbye.
"By Sweetie, be safe at Todoroki's house." I waved her goodbye and put my wallet with my bus pass in it.
"I will mom, he gave me his word." I walked out of the door and went to the Tododroki's estate.
I went to the gate and rang the ringer and after a moment, the gate opened and I went in. I will not lie and confess that I became more and more nervous with each step I took towards the entrance. I knocked on the door and a maid opened it and bowed.
"Welcome to the Todoroki residence." She handed me slippers and gave me the guest slippers.
"Master Todoroki will now see you in the veranda, follow me." She started walking and I followed her through the mansion to the veranda where I saw Todoroki-San on a chair holding a clear alcohol.
"Master Todoroki, Izuku is here to see you."
He turned around and welcomed me.
"Izuku, it's so good to see you. Tell me, how are you?" I was trying not to shake, the way he's presenting himself. Remember why you're here Izu. I walked up to him and tried my best to glare at him but I probably look very awkward.
"Please, sit down Izuku. I'll have the maid bring you an Italian soda." He snapped his finger a maid appeared.
"What flavor do you want? Stawberry, Orange, or Lemon?" I reluctantly stretched my hand out on the platter.
   "I'll take strawberry, thanks..." I nervously sipped as he was looking at me. I adverted my eyes everywhere and he was still looking sat me. It was getting so awkward that I decided to start conversation.
   "So umm.... what was the reason you called me over?" He cleared his throat.
   "Sorry, I just got distracted. The reason I called you over is because Shouto is away and I wanted to talk to you alone. I think you would like that way too, considering you wouldn't want to worry him. Do you?" I glared at him.
   "You said he's away so where is he?" He shot arms up.
   "Don't be on Defense Izuku. Every Sunday he visits his mom in the hospital." Ugh, he's right! I had completely forgotten about that! I mentally scolded myself.
   "Don't beat yourself up about it." He laughed and took a sip of his beverage. What is he getting at. Inviting me over like this? No Izuku, get yourself in the game! You came here for a reason.
   "Look I didn't come here for-" Todoroki-San then interrupted mid sentence.
   "I know. I wanted you to come here to personally say that I won't be wanting those pictures of you anymore."
   "W-what?" This seems unfathomable! He surely must be joking.
   "I don't believe you." He took another sip.
   "Why else do you think Shouto was unscathed when you didn't send a picture of yourself a couple of days ago cause I know you were contemplating about it." I became more suspicious, what does is he getting out of this.
   "I know you wouldn't just let me go like that, so what do you want from me?" He took a long sip of his drink and smirked.
   "You're time." My eyes went wide.
   "What do you mean?" He put down his has and sighed.
   "Y'know, you reminded me someone I used to know." He looked kind of sad.
   "Is that why you treat me the way you do?" I can see see he was hiding built up emotions. I read about in Villain Psychology 101, the motives of a villain. If I can figure this out, maybe I can save all of us and the things that he does to me I can stop. He did a hallow smile.
"You're eyes have the same allure to them as her." I started to engage in the conversation to try to get him to open up.
"Did she have the same color eyes as me." He looked off at the sky and smiled.
"Yes, she had eyes of Emerald like you." I could feel he's sentiment but I still wanted to know why? Going through all this trouble, hurting loved ones.
"What happened?" He looked upset holding back his anger.
"You're father killed her." I didn't believe him.
"Tell me you're lying!" I say shocked. He wouldn't do that cause dad tries to save everybody. He just shook his head.
"I'm afraid he left her to die when he still had time to save her." What I heard couldn't be true. I mean should I even believe his words anyway. He continued speaking.
"But you, you remind me so much her it's astounding."
"Do I really look that much like her. I mean, I never seen a picture of her before." I say.
"Yes, that's the reason I wanted to spend time with you, because you remind me so much of her." He seems so valid and hurt but that I still find out the reason as in why? Did they have that kind of relationship?
"What about all the stuff you did to me? I can't just spend time with-"
"I know. It's that I've been feeling low lately and I saw your eyes and I couldn't help myself, seeing your eyes it felt like having her back when I see you here." I felt bad but I don't know what to do. I know I should help him because that's what heroes do but I feel uncomfortable cause I still felt him on me but felt different somehow. It felt like guilt, but why do I feel guilty when he was the one touching me. He checked his watch.
"Looks like my son is coming back soon, what do you say?" I'm still not to say so I keep silent.
"Come on, just 75 minutes ever Sunday, to feel less lonely." He extended hand out and I was reluctant to shake it.
"If I agree will we only talk, can I finally stop with the pictures, will you finally stop hurting Sho?"
"I give you my word" He says confidently. I hesitatingly grabbed his hand. I hope just made the right decision in trying to help him.

1547 words! (Excluding this outro) don't mind me writing in that textbook manipulative and grooming behavior if you didn't notice Endeavor was emotionally manipulating Izuku so feel free to slander him in the comments but on a serious note, I will not post this story on Wednesday anymore cause I was keep struggling to find time to do this and plus I either procrastinate or do everything at once and writing is one of those things where I'm productive or not but yeah... so this book update the same time as my Dakaretei Otoko book on Monday so yeah. I hope you liked this chapter see you in the next one. Peace out my peeps. (BTW: This is NOT edited like at all so there's bound to be mistakes so I'll fix the grammar when this book is done)
Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!

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