Happy Anniversity

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Midoriya's POV
I decided to silence my phone, cause ever since I agreed to see Todoroki-San, he's been blowing up my phone at random hours in the day. And I just wonder how does he have the time when he's professional hero? I need to tell him that he needs to stop texting me at random hours because it gets into a fit. What I can compile of the times we've texted and I see that he's very sad and not willing to let past things go. And I'm trying to help him because Heroes don't turn a blind eye towards anybody who needs help. I mean Allmight didn't kill All For One even with their relationship so I'm sure I can save him, I'll try to save everyone.
Though today, I don't have to worry about saving anyone because, today is the the day where I've been crossing off the hours, no minutes for it to happen. Sho's and I's anniversary.
I hugged my pillow in a blush because he makes me feel so tingly, and swoonish, and speacial, and so happy! Like I'm needed. I mean, that's one of the reasons I become a hero, for people to count on me. To save people with a smile. I slapped myself and pumped myself up.
Alright Izu, let's get ready for this date! Okay let's get get dressed. I started scurrying around, where did I put his gifts again?

It was 5:00 pm (17:00) The time of our date. I was waiting for the door bell to ring in anticipation. The door bell finally rung and I started running towards the door but I didn't wanna seem desperate so I stop. But then I decided that I just couldn't wait to see him so I started running again,
   "SHO-KUN!" I quickly opened the door, and pulled him into a hug. He laughed and patted my head.
"Hehe, we're you that happy to see me." I just snuggled closer into his chest.  He kissed the top of my head.
   "Hey I got something for you." I looked up at him and he got flowers from behind his back.
   "Oh my goodness, they're beautiful." He handed me the flowers.
   "Here, let me go put these in a vase and let me get you your gift." I put them away and got his gift and hid it behind my back and went up to the door.
   "Close your eyes." He smiled at me.
   "Now what are you getting at Izu?" I swear his smile is so bright.
   "J-just do it already." He put his hands up in defense.
   "No peaking!" He laughed some more.
   "I won't." I made sure he wasn't peaking.
   "Okay, now hold your hands out." He did what I asked and put his present in his hands.
   "Okay, you can open them now." He opened his eyes and smiled greatly.
   "You got me a polar bear plushie!" I nodded.
   "Well yeah, I remember that you said your father never allowed you to have one and the polar bear reminded me of you and your ice quirk. Now that I think about it, I should've gotten a red bear as well so your ice bear could've had a friend." He suddenly swoops me up and spins me around.
   "No, it's perfect Izu I love it, your so thoughtful!" He started to kiss me and I kissed him back in his arms. He put me down and I yellled.
"Mom, Dad, I'm going out with Sho today, I'll be back before 11:30pm (23:30)"
"Okay sweetie, make sure you kids stay safe."
"Okay Mom, I will." I waved her goodbye and we were walking towards the metro.
    "So Sho, where are we going?" He just smirked.
   "Don't worry, you said that I could plan the date this time right?" I blushed.
   "W-well yeah."
   "Besides, you usually plan the dates anyway so this time your gonna be taken care of." I blushed some more and rolled my eyes in a playful manner.
   "Yeah, only cause you know nothing about planning dates. I mean, the last date you tried to set up the building already closed due to holiday and then it down poured on us." He grabbed my hand.
   "I think you'll be pleasantly surprised Zuku."  I smirked.
   "What, did your siblings help you with planning our one year?" He blushed and tried to regain his composure.
   "That's besides the point, and there's nothing wrong asking for help when you need it right." I was just amazed how he broke out of his shell over the years, but I still wanted to tease him, just a bit.
   "Hmm, I guess you're not wrong. Maybe this time it won't rain on us." I joked.
   "Why you!" He started to chase me down the street and I started to run away laughing at how silly we're being. He finally caught up to me and we started to play fight, us locking hands. We were just pushing on each other and then Sho-Kun got close enough to me where he kissed me on the cheek and I got embarrassed and it threw me off where Sho overpowered me dipped me down.
    "I won." I blushed some more.
    "O-Only cause you caught me off guard." He chuckled, and I couldn't help but fall deeper for this man, his laugh being one of the most attractive things on this planet.
   "Izu, you should know that all fights aren't equal." He was getting closer to me and I covered my face with my hands.
   "I only lost because you're incredibly attractive!" He laughed some more and I swooned.
   "You find me attractive?" I didn't say anything. He stopped dipping me and put me on his back, giving me a piggyback ride and continued to walk.
"Umm Sho, can you put me down now, you've been walking with me on your back for a while now."
"Not until we're at the place." He continued walking and I pouted.
"But aren't I heavy?"
"I will admit that you are a little dense for a guy your size but you aren't heavy to me at all."
"Are you calling me short?" He laughed.
"Well yeah, you're the third shortest guy in class, only being 2 inches taller than Tokayami, and everyone's taller than Mineta." I started thrashing around and resisted.
"I am not short!" I can tell Todoroki's became unamused.
"Zuku, not to burst your bubble but your not even average height for a male in Japan." (170.7cm or 5'6) I started to pout.
"Well how tall are you 'mister above average'." He just smiled.
"For your information, I'm about half a foot taller than you, 'mister not good at roasting people'." (15.24cm is 6inches and Todoroki's height I think is 5,10) I rolled my eyes. Minoh Falls.
"You're not good at comebacks either Sho-Kun." We hit the metro station and I got of his back and I was watching outside the window when we were reaching the outskirts of Osaka.
We got off the metro and we were reaching forested area and I got a little curious.
"Sho, where exactly are you taking me again?" He held my hands and started leading the way.
"I'm taking you somewhere special." We went on a trail and the sun was about to set.
"Sho, it's so pretty, is this the spot?" He kept on walking with a haste.
"No, we're almost there." We were walking for a few more minutes and we finally slowed down.
"Izu, close your eyes for me okay?" I was confused but I went along with it because he seemed so excited. He gently ushered me to a spot and I heard running water and became more curious.
"Okay, you can open them now." I opened my eyes to reveal us on top a waterfall, the sun's golden hour making the water seem a golden turquoise.
"Sho, this is beautiful. How did you even come up with this?" He had a slight blush and had his hand on his neck.
"W-well I did have some help finding the spot. Fuyumi asked me what I think about you and I thought how calm and happy you make me feel, your beautiful green hair and eyes and this was the closest place that came to mind." I felt so overwhelmed with happiness I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips.
"Sho, you're so thoughtful!" He had his around my waist and small smile on his face.
"Well originally I wanted to take you to Izu but I didn't think it would sit well with them that I'm taking their 'sweet innocent baby boy' out for an overnight visit." I nervously laughed.
"Yeah, especially my dad. I had to haggle my way to stay out this late today."
"But nevertheless, I want our time here to be magical." We were back to kiss again when I felt my phone vibrate.
"Are you gonna answer that?" Asked Todoroki.
"I'm sure it's nothing." I went on my tip toes about to kiss him again when my phone vibrated again and got slightly annoyed.
The contact belonged to Todoroki-San. I became slightly pale.
"Zuku, is there anything wrong." I decided to fully turn of my phone. I don't need to think about him right now.
"No, it's nothing. My Dad is just asking if I was okay. I turned off my phone so he won't bother us anymore."
"Okay, let's just watch the sunset." He set a blanket down and the sun was setting over us and just before the sun set he got up.
   "Sho, what are you doing?" I asked out of curiosity. He then started to take off his shirt and I blushed. Then he started to take off his pants as well.
"S-Sho!" I adverted my eyes.
"W-what are you planning to do!?!" He just smirked.
"Just watch me." He started running off the cliff diving off the water fall, the night coming closer as he dove of the cliff.

1691 words! (Excluding this outro) I'm sorry that I had to cut this chapter short because this chapter was reaching 3000 words and I felt like this was a great place to cut the chapter and paste about other 1,500 words on another chapter. So it's not like I just deleted my work. I just felt like it was getting too long so I'll post the second part to this next week.
With that out the way, peace out my peeps.
Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!

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