The Tea Party Method.

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I am not the creator of this method.

This is a visualization method so if you're not good at that then I don't recommend this. Get into a comfortable position (no, it doesn't have to be starfish, just a position you can fall asleep in) and visualize yourself in front of a door. It can be any color, size, whatever. Open the door. Walk into the room. See your desired self sitting down at a table (or on the floor) with a tea party set up. Go sit down with them. Talk to them, ask them questions, and notice your surroundings as you sip tea from a little tea cup. Look down and Notice the differences between your current self and the self sitting across from you. When you have both finished your tea, stand up. Tell your desired self that you are thankful that they had you for tea and go back out the same door you entered through. Fall asleep and you will wake up in your desired reality.

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