The Skie Method.

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I am not the creator of this method.

Lay or sit down in a comfortable position. You can put on a subliminal, background noise, music, or theta/lambda/delta waves if you'd like. Imagine yourself sitting or lying on a hammock. It swings back and forth, taking you with it. Notice your surrounding. It can be whatever you want. You could be in a forest, your back yard, next to a campfire, whatever. You be be sitting or lying with your s/o, friend, family member, or pet. Try to imagine and feel the sensation of the rocking back and forth, as if you are swinging back and forth on your bed or wherever you are in your Cr. (Side note- I looked down at the word count at this part and it was 111 ;)) Now you can start visualizing your dr. It can be where you will wake up, where you plan on going, anywhere. You may still feel that sensation of rocking. If you are using this as a sleep method, you can fall asleep now. If not, open your eyes.

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