The Eleven Method.

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I am not the creator of this method but I did add some parts onto it-

Start by covering your eyes with something. It can be a blanket, a blindfold, sleep mask, bandanna, etc. Just make sure that your eyes are covered and you can't see any light. Close your eyes and visualize yourself standing in a black void. The floor is water. (If you've ever seen stranger things, which this is inspired by, you know what I mean. If not then look up "stranger things- the void" on YouTube.) Right now you are your current self. See a scene in front of you. It can be what you picture your desired self to be doing right now, your desired self with friends, anything you want. Walk up to the scene. Walk around it, just watch your desired self do whatever they are doing. Then see everything fade away except for your desired self. Walk up to them. Visualize your current self merging with your desired self until you become one. You are no longer your old self, you are now your desired self. Fall asleep and you will wake up in your DR.

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