The Pensieve Method.

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Credits to EllieDina  (with some added on details by myself)

This method is Harry Potter themed so I don't recommend using this method if you aren't familiar with the Harry Potter universe as it probably won't make sense.
Imagine yourself standing in Dumbledores office. You see the Pensieve a few feet away from you. You walk over to it. On the edge of the Pensieve's surface lies a small a test tube-shaped capsule. This tube is filled half-way with the color liquid of your choice. These are your memories. Pour the liquid into the Pensieve and watch it dissolve. When you are ready, dip your face into the Pensieve. You can imagine your memories (doesn't matter if they happened yet- but it can help to imagine them as if they've already happened) a scenario, or just you and you DR friends. Watch all of the memories play out. The more you watch, the clearer the pictures become. When the memories end, stand up and lift your face out of the pensieve. Say your affirmations and fall asleep.

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