Why it's Important not to Move.

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I saw someone talking about this on amino, not sure the @ but if I find it I'll add it here.

Sometimes while shifting realities it is difficult to stay completely still. Some are fine with it and for others it is completely unbearable to stay motionless. Maybe you are still able to stay shifting and detached from your current reality even if you are twitching from time to time, and that's great! But for others the slightest unpleasant sensation makes the process much harder. If you have tried getting into a different position and the itches continue, it is important to know that there is reason behind this annoying "glitch" in your mind. Notice how (assuming you don't get these these itches during the day) you only seem to get these uncomfortable urges to squirm when you lay down to shift. It's agitating, I know..But know that it isn't a coincidence, but that your brain is using these sensations as a form of reality checking. It's checking in to see if you are still in your current reality or not. If you scratch that tingly spot or move because your leg is cramping, it can sometimes feel like it drains all of the progress you have made. This is why we use current affirmations, e.g. "I am in my desired reality." and resist urges to move in order to move our consciousness to our desired reality. So next time you are mid-shift and get an itch, just know that this is your body's way of saying "are we still here, or no?" I know it's uncomfortable, but it's worth it!

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