What You May Be Doing Wrong.

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What you may be doing wrong and how to help yourself- to answer the popular question, no! I have not fully shifted yet. What I hope to accomplish with this story is growth. We are all learning together! However, a lot of these tips come from friends of mine, and also amino communities; I don't really trust Tik Tok, there's a lot of misinformation going around on there so If you don't have Amino already then you should get it! Moving forward, figuring out what works for you is key. I do a lot of deep research in my free time so some of this is also coming from experts, people who dedicate their life to study this kind of stuff! On the contrary, it is important to know yourself and what works for you. Not every method that worked for me will necessarily work for you. So if you are good at visualizing, do a visualization method. If you are not, then do a counting method or try to trick your mind. 

FOOD: It is crucial to keep your body nurtured. Drink LOTS, and I mean LOTS of water throughout the day and before an attempt. I usually drink about 9-12 glasses. One of the main reasons I have failed to shift even after experiencing many symptoms, is dehydration! Being dehydrated can also affect your ability to fall asleep. Also make sure that you have three full meals, If you are able, but don't stuff yourself! I find that it is best to eat to the point where you get that feeling right before you are full. (I know that can be difficult, but it's very important to get your nutrients)

SLEEP/BREAKS: Oh my god I cannot stress this enough, TAKE BREAKS!! One of the biggest reasons that people fail to shift is lack of rest. Shifting realities is exhausting. I suggest every now and then to take a 2-3 day break. You can take as long as you want, as long as you can keep motivation throughout your break. Get good sleep, eat well, and keep your intentions positive! Only attempt to shift once you feel good, I promise you it is extremely unlikely for you to shift if you are tired and miserable. Taking breaks will not set you back, it can only push you forward!

MOOD- Your mindset about shifting can change the course of your shifting journey almost instantly. Personally, I meditate and listen to subliminals a few times during the day and before I attempt to shift. Try to keep yourself calm and happy. Before shifting, say what you are truly grateful for and send love to your friend, family, idol, whoever you want. Keep positive intentions. For example, If I said I wanted to shift to the Harry Potter universe simply to date or murder everyone- that's obviously a bad intention. But if I said I wanted to shift to the Harry Potter universe to experience a different culture and make memories, those are positive intentions.

DETACHMENT- A big reason that a lot of people have failed to shift is because they are attached to their current reality. It's very hard to place your mind in a different reality if you're attached to one already. Before you attempt to shift, or even during the day, listen to and follow a detachment meditation. If it helps to do your homework, clean your room take a shower, anything that you feel you need to complete, do it!! make sure you aren't worrying about anything. Weather it be school, your family, anything. Let it go. (unless obviously your family member is dying- then please go help them.) But otherwise, breathe in confidence and belief, breathe out doubts and stress. You got this!

CONFIDENCE/BELIEF: It is easy to lose belief and want to give up after not shifting, I get it. However it's super important that you keep your confidence and motivation high! If the desired reality you're shifting to is considered fictional, rewatching the movies, re-read the books, listen to theme music, anything you can to get you excited. (If you're shifting Hogwarts, what I like to do is go on tik tok and watch POVS or shifting stories. There's tons of them and they really will make you excited and happy to shift.) I am currently re-watching all eight harry potter movies for some visualization. When I study, write, read, or really while doing anything, I like to listen to Hogwarts-themed shifting subliminals, but you can listen to normal ones too! (I'm listening to one as I write this haha :)) If you see anything that reminds you of shifting or your DR, take it as a sign! Angel numbers? A sign. A different smell? A sign. Connect things to your DR, make yourself truly believe that you are close and you will be! I also prefer to use affirmations such as "I am already in my DR." "I have shifted already." etc. Use affirmations as if you are already in your DR. Someone told me (I forget the @, I apologize) said that one of the biggest things that helped her shift was talking to herself and others about things in her DR. For example, she would go up to a mirror and talk about something that happened in her DR (even though it hadn't yet) and talk about it as if she had gone through that experience already. Talking to yourself in the past tense, ("I have already shifted." "This happened with/at ____" "I remember when___") can help you trick your conscious mind into believing that you have already shifted, therefore you will! 

I will add more stuff to this (As I always do) :) as I learn more ! 

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