The Seren Method.

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This method is made by @serenweaslebee on tik tok, I take no credit for this method whatsoever!

Personally, I find this method to be very clever and it seems to be a great way to get around any shifting issues you may have!

Scripting- Basically, add to your script that you will wake up in your CR bedroom, or wherever you intend to fall asleep that night. (Script it to be ONLY where you go to sleep and wake up, this will not become your bedroom for the rest of your time in your DR, it's just a waiting room!) I suggest that you script the place you are in very specifically. Make sure that when you wake up, you will not be able to tell if you are in your WR/DR or in your CR. Script that you will hear a knock on the door.

Start by using a method, any method. I suggest to pair the raven method with this one, as it is very simplistic and easy to remember. Once you have counted, you can fall asleep, or just open your eyes once you feel shifted in any way. Once you wake up, you will be in your CR bedroom, but not actually in your CR. You will hear a knock at the door. Go to open the door and behind will stand someone important from your desired reality. They hold their hand out through the doorway. Take their hand. Walk through the doorway with that person and into your desired reality!

What is special about this method?
You may have had the problem with falling asleep attempting to shift only to wake up still in your current reality bedroom. I have. This can be very disappointing and lower your confidence In the ability to shift. By using this method, your mind will not know if you have woken up in your CR (you didn't shift) or your WR (the place between your CR and DR where you can then easily enter your DR) So either way, you will be excited! You must have faith that you are in your WR/DR!!! I am going to try this one tonight so I'll update tmrw.

Okay, I tried this method last night. It was a weird experience. I got lots of symptoms, but didn't immediately fall asleep. So I counted again and still lay in the starfish position counting and listening to subliminals until I fell asleep. When I woke up I was confused, I had initially forgotten that I would wake up in my CR bedroom either way. I sort of sat up and looked around for a little until I heard my moms voice and thought "oh, I didn't shift" I sat there like 👁💧👄💧👁
For a good few minutes until I went back to sleep and woke up a few hours later, still in my CR. I think I'm gonna keep trying this method, as I've learned that it's important to try the same method more than once (usually) for it to work.
I may update this again.

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