The Piano Method.

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I am not the creator of this method.

Imagine yourself in a large, elegant room. (it can look however you want it to) You are wearing fancy clothes. The room is filled with people chattering. There is a grand piano and a seat in the middle of the room. You go sit down at the piano, and start playing a song. Your only thought and concern is the song, the song will take over you/calm you. As you finish the song, the crowd erupts into applause. You bow and say "It is time for me to go home." You walk through a grand open door, meeting someone from your DR waiting for you. You walk through a corridor, filled with doors, but one particular door catches your eye. It's a brown door with a gold handle. They open the door and say "welcome home.", motioning you through the door. As you step through the door, you are met with a bright white light and are surrounded by stars. It's beautiful. You're calm, safe, happy. Repeat affirmations such as: "I am capable of shifting." "I am shifting." "I am going home." Once you feel as though the light has disappeared, open your eyes and you will wake up in your desired reality.

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