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While actually laying down and attempting to shift, I prefer to use past-tense affirmations. For example, instead of saying "I will shift.", "I have shifted." For me, this helps with visualizations and symptoms. If you'd like, you can repeat phrases such as: "I will shift." "I will shift tonight." during the actual day, before you lay down at night to shift.

Past-tense affirmations:

"I have shifted already."

"I have shifted."

"I am in my desired reality."

"I am in my desired body."

"I am ______" (where you will wake up first in your DR)

"I am with _____"

"I can feel my mind in my desired self."

"I am no longer in my old reality."

Present/future-tense affirmations:

"Tonight I will shift."

"I will shift to my desired reality."

"I am shifting."

"I am getting closer to my DR."

"my soul is leaving my current self and entering my desired self."

"I am nearly in my desired body."

"I am shifting to  ______" (where you will wake up first in your DR)

"I will be with _____"

"I am leaving my old reality."

Other affirmations:

"I am not attached to my current reality."

"I am not homesick of my current reality."

"I will know I am in my DR when I smell ______"

"I will know I am in my DR when I hear ______"

"I will know I am in my DR when I see ______"

"I will know I am in my DR when I feel ______"

"The people of my DR are waiting for me."

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