The Heartbeat Method.

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I am not the creator of this method.

Get into a comfortable position. Play an audio of a heartbeat or someone humming or singing, or you can imagine it. Put your phone under your pillow and listen to the heartbeat or humming for at least ten minutes. Imagine that you are laying on the chest of someone from your DR. When you feel that you are done listening, visualize them getting up and  holding out their hand. Take their hand. They will then lead you to a door. When you are ready, walk through the door. See yourself surrounded by white light. You will be feeling symptoms during this. Once you feel that your soul has left your body or that you feel disconnected from you CR, see your DR self lying in your desired bed, or wherever you will wake up, in the same position your CR self is in. Go into your DR body. Open your eyes only when you feel sure that your surroundings have changed.

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