The Melt Method.

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I am not the creator of this method.

Get into bed and meditate for however long you like. I suggest a positive energy or detachment one. Once you feel calm, lie on your back with your limbs spread out however you feel comfortable. Put on a shifting subliminal or some theta waves, you can find these on youtube. Imagine your dr/wr bedroom (or wherever you will wake up)  upside down below your CR room. Visualize only an outline of your desired self asleep in your DR. Affirm yourself that you are in your DR. Start counting up. You don't have to count to any specific number, just go with it. Use your 5 senses to feel yourself melting into your DR room, as if you are slowly falling through the floor and into your DR. You can imagine your energy melting as a color of your choice. See your energy start to fill the outline of your desired self, until you are fully formed. Keep counting and affirm yourself that you are now in your DR room. Do not open your eyes during this!!

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