The In Your Arms Method.

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I am not the creator of this method.

If you have trouble falling asleep or laying in the starfish position, this method could be for you. I suggest you use this as a sleep method since it takes place on your bed. Lay down on your stomach on top of a pillow. Like it's a person. Rest your head on the middle of it and wrap your arms around the pillow as if you're hugging it. Repeat the affirmation "I am in ____'s arms." This can be your love interest, comfort person, family member, anyone from your dr that is important to you. Imagine yourself hugging the person of your choice. Similar to how you are hugging the pillow. You can imagine standing up and hugging them, or that you are laying on their chest. (I find it easier to imagine laying on their chest since you're already in that horizontal position.) Imagine how they smell, what they are wearing, how the fabric feels on your face, and how comfortable and safe you feel. Keep repeating affirmations such as "I am in ____'s arms.", "I have shifted into ____'s arms." Once you get a sign that you've shifted, open your eyes.

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