The 9¾ Method.

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Credits to EllieDina (with some added on details by myself)

This method is Harry Potter themed so I don't recommend using this if you are not familiar with the Harry Potter universe as it probably won't make sense.
Imagine yourself walking through King's Cross Station. As you walk with your luggage on your cart, you observe the sounds of the busy station. Trains arriving, people talking. You get to platform 9 3/4. The wall in which you will travel through can be as far away as you want it to. Once you are ready, you can start running. You can run for as long as you want. As you run pushing your cart ahead of you, imagine the memories you will make. The joy you will have at Hogwarts. Your friends, family, whatever sparks joy. When you get to the wall, go through it. You notice it gets very dark but soon lightens. You are now your desired self. You see Hogsmeade Station form around you. You are now in the magical world. Fall asleep and you will wake up wherever you desire.

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