The Estelle Method.

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I am not the creator of this method.

This one is pretty similar to the piano method, but whichever works.

Get into a comfortable position. Play a song that you could slow dance to, (so it's best if maybe you don't play gucci mane.) Imagine someone from your DR holding their hand out and offering you a dance. Picture the two of you dancing together, really feel the music and the dancing. Once the song is over, hear the person you are with say "You must go home now." They will lead you to a big fancy door with a gold handle. They open the door for you and signal you to walk through it. Once you walk through the door, you are immediately your desired self. You will be surrounded by white light, it may even be blinding. Do not open your eyes yet. Feel the light, the warmth, and all of your happiness and symptoms. repeat affirmations such as: "i am going home." "I am shifting." "I am almost there." etc. You may feel like you are floating or falling, still do not move your body. When the white light seems to disappear and you are sure that you are in your DR, open your eyes and you will be in your desired reality!

My experience: I tried this method last night, and I got super close! This is definitely the closest I've ever gotten to shifting with any method (so far) I visualized everything easily, It was calming and helped me feel more connected to my desired reality. I had my normal symptoms (lightly shaking, temperature change, tingles in my back and.) And some new ones such as: feeling like somebody was touching my hand, a white light, and warmness in the chest. I also had tingles all over, which I don't usually get. I felt myself getting closer to my desired reality and self, but I made the mistake of opening my eyes too early. I added to my script today that
1. I cannot open my eyes until I have fully shifted. And 2. That I will automatically open my eyes when I Have shifted. Also before I lay down to shift I took some melatonin way too early. So that way, I wasn't tired when I needed to sleep and when I tried again, I fell asleep too early. So if you're going to take something to help you sleep, take it at the right time!!

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