The Tunnel Method.

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Hi- it's been a hot minute since I posted a chapter. I'm gonna start doing longer chapters that cover more stuff, not just methods! If you have something you want answered or a topic you want covered, don't hesitate to message me or leave a comment, thanks.

I am not the creator of this method.

Lie down and get into a comfortable position. Whether it be on your back, stomach, side, it doesn't matter. You can meditate or manifest first if you'd like. Make sure you're sleepy! Once you're ready to start, close your eyes. Release any tension in your muscles. Take a few deep breaths and say some affirmations if you'd like. When you feel completely calm visualize yourself surrounded by a color of your choice. This is your soul energy. It is positive only. See the energy float around and eventually gather into an orb. In front of you is a tunnel. It can be however long you like. You can imagine yourself in a car, walking, flying, etc. follow your orb down the tunnel. As you do this affirm yourself that you have already shifted. The deeper into the tunnel you go, the brighter the orb's light gets. Take your time with this. At the end of the tunnel lies your desired reality. Once you have reached the end of the tunnel, you will have finally caught up with the orb. Take the orb in your hands. Enter your desired reality room (or wherever you wake up) with the orb. See your desired self asleep. Walk over to your desired self. Once you are ready, hold the orb over your desired self and see the solid orb settle into liquid energy. Watch as the energy spreads over your desired self. Your soul energy is now in your desired self. Then fall asleep.

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