The Alice in Wonderland Method.

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I am not the creator of this method.

Once you have relaxed yourself, lay down on your back with none of your limbs touching. This method involves a lot of visualization and imagination. Imagine yourself in a field/marsh. Imagine your current self sitting against a tree. You imagine yourself reading, writing, singing, anything you like. Take in your surroundings, look around. You will eventually see an important person from your DR running past. You will then get up and chase after that person. As you run you will feel more and more symptoms building up. TAKE YOUR TIME RUNNING! Then you will both stop at a rabbit hole. Decide if you really want to shift or not. If yes, then jump down the hole and let yourself fall. In your CR body, you may feel as though you are actually falling. Let yourself fall for as long as you like, while repeating affirmations such as: "I have shifted." "I am in my DR." "I am my desired self." When you reach the bottom of the hole, you will be in a small room with only a door and a table with a key on it. Pick up the key and use it to unlock the door. Behind the door will be the person that you were chasing. They extend their hand through the doorframe and ask you "Are you ready to go?" If yes, take their hand and walk through the door. As soon as you walk through the door, you are your desired self. In the room is a bed, watch your DR self lay down in the bed and fall asleep. Then fall asleep for yourself. When you wake up, you will be in your DR. I am going to be trying this method tonight so I'll add an edit tmrw!

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