Some pre-shifting tips

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DISCLAIMER- All of the methods that start with "I am not the creator of this method" imply that I simply did not create that method and I don't know who made it. If you see a method I wrote about and know who created it then please dm me and I'll add it.


Always start by meditating and making sure you have no distractions whether they be in your CR, or your thoughts.

Suggested hz level for vibrations: 528

Make sure you are tired, weather you need to sleep for the method you are using or not.

Must raise vibrations and be excited/eager

Listen to binaural beats, theta waves/subliminals

It's ok to have negative thoughts- acknowledge them and let them go.

Repeat affirmations to yourself.

"I have shifted."

"I have already shifted to my desired reality."

"I am shifting."

"I am in my DR."

"I am ready to go home."

"I am capable of shifting."

Make sure you don't focus too much (obsessing, getting upset about not shifting, trying too hard, etc.) you must be calm, shifting can take some time but it is important to stay confident and inspired, it's totally worth it!

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