Chapter 1

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"YAH LEE Y/N!!!!" You heard your mom calling your name—mostly yelling your name— while your playing, but then you just ignore her and just kept on playing.

"LEE Y/N!!!" You heard her again, and suddenly she turns off the PS5 your playing.

"What the hec— I mean what on earth are you thinking mom?!" You can't cuss on her, nor say anything bad because you'll know you'll be in big trouble about it.

"Go get yourself some job you idiot! You're making this house dirty as hell and you didn't even give a shit to clean!" She lectures you while you just ignores her and hum some music to get yourself distracted about it.

Suddenly a knock heard on the front door. "I'll get it!" You were expecting your dad will come home but you didn't expect to see your bestfriend..

 "I'll get it!" You were expecting your dad will come home but you didn't expect to see your bestfriend

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"Mark Tuan."

"You're saying something Y/N?" He ask while you shake your head.

"Good evening, Ms. Lee." He greeted when he saw your mom and bowed at her politely.

"What are you doing here dear? It's actually late now." Your mom worried.

"Just got off from work, Ms. Lee." He said while yoi lead him to sit on the couch and sat beside him.

"Where do you work though?" She ask while you play on your phone to get yourself distracted.

"Minatozaki Inc." You choked, hearing the company's name.

Minatozaki Inc.?

Your mom look at you, "Is there any options like my daughter can work to?"

"Oh yes Ms. Lee I heard that Ms. Minatozaki needs an assistant to assist her, since she's clumsy on her things and forgot meetings." Mark explains while nodding his head.

"I would like to volunteer Y/N." Your mom volunteered you. "Me?" You look at her disbelief while she nodded.

"Yes since you have a friend who works there, and the point you just play video games all day." Your mom complains and lay her back on the couch then sighed.

"Well that doesn't mean you have to force me to a job! I can find one!" You replied. 

"So where will she start?"

"She can start tomorrow, 10 am in the morning. She will be interviewed with Ms. Sana and as far as I know she texts the workers where they will start to work."


"I can't still believe, I'll be working with the same company as you." You muttered and get the shivers out of yourself.

"Pfft, you will love your job you edjiot."

"How will you know bish?"

"Because Ms. Sana is-" When he was explaining me who is this 'Sana' he's talking he froze and.. DROOLS????

[√] MY Assistant  || MN. Sana X Fem.ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now