Chapter 25

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You were sitting on a bench, waiting for your girlfriend since she said she'll go in a public restroom. Soon after, Soobin pop out of no where and came in your vision. He smiled and wave his hand before sitting next to you.

"Why didn't you came by at Taehyun's house? It's been an hour."

"Go ask Taehyun."

"Did you have an argument? Is it because of us?"

"None." Your cold as ice, you have just forgotten what Taehyun has done then here is Soobin, bringing it up.

You miss your bestfriend.

Before Soobin could stand up, you held onto his wrist, "Do you mind doing me a favor?" You ask while he look at you, "I'm all ears." He replied while you told him your favor.


"Let's go in that restaurant! I wanna go! I wanna go!!" Sana sqealed and grab your hand to go in the restaurant. You look around and saw people looking at the both of you, instead of being embarrassed you chuckle and let your girlfriend lead you.

"What do you want, baby?"

"Chesse Kimbap!" She replied with a cute tone, you nodded and order the both of you you'll eat.

You find yourself a table to sit with and succesfully found one. You put your orders on the table and told you girlfriend to head on the restroom since your taking your business.

Walking towards the restroom, you soon enter, seeing some are washing their hands and some are in the stalls. Once you finished your business, you head out and find yourself dumbfounded yet confused.

Is that Jungkook, I'm seeing? You ask yourself and completely blink lots of time when you can't believe Jungkook is talking to Sana, clearly wants to make contact with her by placing his hand on top of hers.

"That sucks." You heard a familiar voice beside you almost fainted when no warnings of that person. "What the fuck, Nayeon?"

"You mean, fuck me? Lee Y/N?"

"In your dreams."

"Yeah, I dreamed about you fucking me, you want to know how it goes?"

"Shut up."

"You can shut me with your mouth."

"You're so dirty minded."

"Well, you can make me dirty with your cu-"

"For the love of God, shut up."

"Well, look at Sana and Jungkook. Shipped them, SaKook!" Nayeon squealed in happiness when you gaze towards Jungkook and Sana. You saw Jungkook getting his lips close to Sana, you can't bare to watch and slowly walk out in the restaurant followed by Nayeon.

"Look who's grumpy, seeing her girlfriend being kissed by her once scandal that her mom said it was all made up. Like who wouldn't believe it."

"Well, look at this person who will never like by me." You roasted Nayeon, making her stop at her tracks while you laugh as much as you can. Looking at hetr face with shock-offending expression makes it more funnier.

"You should have looked on your face." You point at Nayeon (in a not bad way) and laugh harder. Instead of feeling something else, Nayeon reacted with a smile. A one cute bunny smile.

You frowned, totally confused about her actions, "Have another soul summon you body?" You ask while Nayeon look at you, and tap onto your shoulder. "I maybe the girl your distancing from, but I admitted, I liked you. But for now, I want us to be friends, nothing more, nothing less. You deserve Sana, and she deserves someone like you. Simple yet perfect-like person."

You were completely frozen, what just happened? But you know, she liked you before but, she'll respect your relationship. Friends. Nothing more, nothing less. You hug Nayeon, completely embracing her. Her sincere yet apologetic way to say it to you has just brought you to tears.

She hug you back, she hug her former crush. When she saw the article about you and Sana dating past months ago, she learned to move on and proceed finding someone who's perfect as she is.

Breaking the hug, you smiled, gives the cutest yet brightest gummy smile you have. When someone with little hands interrupted and place it on your legs,
"Y/N-noona!" You heard someone's cute voice and look down, quickly carrying him. "Sunoo-ssi!" You craddle him while Nayeon look at him, the cutest, purest boy ever!

"Looks like Sunoo interrupted both of you. Are you both dating?" V detect us with his now detective eyes while you elbowed him weakly and he chuckle.

"Can I carry him?"

"No, you might kidnap him."

"I may like babies and sorry in advance if I kidnap him."

"Well, hope you took care of him well." V replied, Nayeon and him just held a conversation with each other, while you laugh at how V replied when he thought of Nayeon kidnapping your friend's cutie baby Sunoo.

"You can't, Sunoo's grandma is at V's house, you'll be scolded when you kidnap him." You joined and give Nayeon Sunoo. He's 5 years old but still you and Nayeom thought of he's still a baby!

"Is he always wait here?"

"Yep, it's our usual schedule to stop by here and wait."

"Who is he waiting for?"

"His boyfriend duuh- owww."

"My bwoypwend? Where is hwe??" Sunoo looked around while the three of us look at each other, giving signs to tell him that he's not here yet.

"You know what? Let's eat ice cream? Mint choco?"

"Soobin and the three others hate it."

"Are they with us?" Nayeom roasted me while you look at her, completely offended. "Give me my Sunoo!"

"No, my Sunoo!"

"No, he belongs to me, bitches." V took Sunoo out from Nayeon's arms and left her sulking. You laugh at how she reacted.

"V-hyung, what's a bwitch?"

"Sunoo baby, let's eat ice cream?" You try to change the topic and succesfully did when Sunoo nodded. You glared at V who seem to scratch his head and soon find a nearby ice cream shop.


"Thank you." You bought your ice cream and proceed to walk on the table V and Nayeon sitted. When you heard your phone rang, when that caller's ID was familiar to you, you excused yourself and head outside the ice cream shop.

"Hello, Chae?"

"Get out from the location you are in, Y/N, get out-" You mumble the words when someone cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief that has a sleeping scent on it.

You have been kidnap.

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