Chapter 31 (M)

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Pls be reminded that this is only fictional and not real. Long chap.


Sana was in the bathroom, showering since she thought showering is the best way to get off the stress when she allowed you to go in a party.

Yes, Sana didn't want you to go. Instead, V keep wanting you to go. "I hate him." Sana mumbled and gripped the soap in her hand tight that soon fall on the floor. Bending over, Sana remembered something. It was you and her.

She remembered the time when you were both having a shower, she was soaping and you were washing your hair, when Sana bent over to get the soap, you let her feel your hard cock and Sana bit her lower lip.

She admit that you're the most kinky on the both of you ever since it happened. Feeling herself getting wet, she prayed that you'll get home soon and help her needs of being fucked.

Few minutes past, 9:30 in the evening. Someone knocked. Sana was in a robe, and she knew that it was you. She wrap a towel around her hair so it would be dry quick. She then went downstairs quick because you keep knocking at the door. She opened and saw you.

You were a mess, your buttoned t-shirt was unbuttoned on the low part, and you smell like alcohol. "Damn, maybe it's a great party." Sana mumbled and pull you in the house. She can tell you're so drunk 'cause of your walking but she knows you still have senses.

Throwing yourself at the couch, you lay yourself and ready to sleep when Sana called you; "Babe?" You immediately sit and look at Sana approaching you. She put her hands softly on your shoulder and sat on your hips. Your eyes are half opened and Sana smiled, "Love, I keep thinking of you," She put some of your hair strands behind your ear and looked at your lips.

"But I swear, if you even make out with someone or touched someone in the party. I'm sorry my love but, I'll kill you with my bare hands." Your soul awaken and widely look at her, asking yourself; "Did I hear it right?"

She look back at you, and peck your lips before kneeling beside your hips— (which is she's kneeling on the couch) —and smoothly get your phone in your pocket. With a towel around her hair and wearing a robe, heck you found her beautiful and hot.

Your phone on Sana's hand, she opened it without problem and click a one romantic song for the both of you and put it on the little table. She then massages your shoulder and kiss you softly. You kiss her back and felt relax below her, the soft kiss Sana giving and the music in your ears.

Sana went down on your neck, her soft warm lips once on your skin. "Ahh.." You close your eyes and let out a soft satisfied moan when she find your spot. With Sana marking you hers, you opened your eyes, wanting more about her lips and remove her towel to her hair.

Sana stopped at a moment before she giggled, "You really like necks, try be a giraffe."

"I'll be one and you'll be sucking my neck all day, baby." With Sana's half dry hair, you grip on to them and pull Sana more close onto you. She suck onto your pulse point making you buck your crotch on to Sana.

"Ain't you drunk or something?" She ask and you turned around both of you, making you on top of her.

"I'm a bit." You replied and attacked her with a rough kiss the way she like it. You wrap your arms around her and she received the signal to wrap her legs and arm around you, and yes she did and carry her upstairs.

[√] MY Assistant  || MN. Sana X Fem.ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now