Chapter 8

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I woke up, yawning and a smile flash on my face when the sun meet my face the shining sun brightening up the mood in the town.

I slowly scratch my head and rub my eyes to clear my vision, I look at my right and then my left 



"Please don't tell me something bad happened, Hyuka we're both boy I mean I have some part of a boy living in a girls body, Hyuka please tell me nothing happened I'll surely smack your head 1000 times hardly!!!" Y/n yelled out can't believe Hyuka (Huening Kai) is beside her after waking up and by the loud voice have been heard, Hyuka wake up same as the other members with half closed eyes entering the room

"What's all the noise?" Yeonjun ask and hug Soobin from behind and starts to sleep again 

"Hyuka!" Soobin release Yeonjun's grip on him and slowly comforted Hyuka who is now about to cry 

Being yelled by your older sister can hurt you so much, the one who are you close with can make your heart break easily 

"Yahh Y/n-ah, he had a bad dream last night, did he tell you that he will sleep at you?" Taehyun explain while Y/n shook her head and remember what happened during 2 in the morning 

She finally realize what happened, she even hug him for comfort and even tell him it will be alright 

"H-Hyuka I'm sorry" Y/n said and try to touch Hyuka but he quickly avoids her 

It hurts a lot for him because he trust Y/n the most 

"I-I thought I can trust y-you but no!, you e-even think of s-something else noona!, something else!!" Hyuka cried out and hug Soobin tightly on how hurtful he is hearing those words Y/n had said 

Y/n felt a stab on her heart, she knows he trust her the most of the boys with her but how come she didn't keep him safe nor trust him as well?

"Hyuka please I-" 

"We'll just go eat breakfast first" Soobin said and avoids Y/n's hand away from Hyuka and head outside the room

"He trusted you the most among us, he's the youngest yet he received the most pain more than you had given us" Yeonjun approaches Y/n, tap her on the shoulder then leaves, following Hyuka and Soobin 

While Beomgyu just look at Y/n then leaves, heart broken on what she thought about Hyuka. Taehyun slowly approaches his friend now sitting on her bed regretting what she had said

Taehyun sighs "Even if your older than me I'm a bit matured than you" he said while tears fall on Y/n's cheek 

"He will never do that thing, never take advantage of someone" Taehyun slowly wrap his arms around her friends shoulder and start to comfort her

"Your just like Sana-oneesan" Taehyun said and slowly rub Y/n's shoulder using his thumb 

"Pardon?" Y/n ask making Taehyun shook his head, can't believe what he just said

"You had a fucking relation with Sana?, And you didn't tell me?" 

"Y/n, you never ask, come on calm down, I don't want us to fight since Hyuka is now hating you do you want me to hate you too?" Taehyun explains while Y/n take a deep sigh, of course she can't handle the ignorance her friends will give him so she gave up 

"What do you mean by Sana?, what do you mean I'm like her??" curiosity hits Y/n, Taehyun sighs

Never in Taehyun's life he had said that to Y/n ever..

"You know that I-I and Sana oneesan went to the same school r-right?" Taehyun stuttered, nervous what will happened when he spill the truth

"Yeah?, what's the connect?" 

"I o-once comfort her a-and I.." Taehyu couldn't say the next words Y/n wants to hear 

"Then what?" 

"I-I started to c-catch feelings to h-her" 



"What's your problem?, why are you avoiding me?" Mark said and complain about me 

Currently in the cafeteria with my friend Chaeyoung and then there's Mark who saw me and approaches me 

"I better g-"

"Chae please stay" I hold on Chae's wrist and she look at me and then my grip on her and quickly get rid of her hand on my grip 

"Y/n" Mark said to me seriously while I take a deep sigh and look at him 

"Uhh what do you want?, Answers?, You clearly know what the answer is" I said while I take a sip on my water 

"I'm the question and your the answer, I'm searching for an answer" he explain while I chuckle 

"Well sometimes your answer maybe wrong or correct" I said then release another chuckle 


"Mark, don't fight just talk" Chae said and stop Mark from punching me, she's now standing on her feet 

I finish eating my lunch and stand up on my feet getting some coffee out in the company

"It's funny that I'm avoiding him, what did he do actually?, because of the lies?, did I become jealous or just angry because he lied?" I ask myself with those weird questions lingering in me 

I reach outside and go to the nearest cafe shop near the company and order a coffee


"Y/n" Chae approach me and whispered to me when she saw me entering the company

"Yes Chae?" I ask while she seem worried

"You and Mark want in Ms. Sana's office" she said while I frown

"What does she want?" I ask while Chae shrug her shoulders 

"I think some of the employees told Ms. Sana what happened between you and Mark earlier" she explain while I nod 

"Is Mark already there?" I ask while Chae nods "they're waiting for you" she said while I nod and head to Sana's office.

Entering the office only to find out Mark was about caress Sana's cheek, I immediately close my eyes and close the door 

"S-Sorry" I said while I slowly heard footsteps approaching the door 

"Y/n we need a talk" Sana open the door and said that to me, I nod and slowly enter the room

"Now what happened?" Sana ask and sit on her desk while I just stand and lean on a wall while Mark sits in front on Sana's desk

"Is this what you want Mark?" I ask and look at him while he look back and frown, both of them 

"Uhh what do you mean?"

"To see Sana?, or do you want to have a sex with her?" I ask and sip my coffee completely earning a shocking expression coming on their faces 

"Just like Sana said in my first day, 'Well he almost fuck me on my desk' "

I said while they both seem have that expression 

"Now tell me-"

"Who is Taehyun your talking to?" Sana cut me off while my eyebrows raise, like shooking my head then chuckle

"Ohh Taehyun?" I ask double checking what she's saying 

"Yeah the one who's with you at the mall" she added while I grin 

"Kang Taehyun, the one who saw you both kissing at prom night?, am I right?" 


should I add a smut chapter in this book? 

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