Chapter 27

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"I choose reft."

"You want a ref?"

"Reft. Left and right, you're not familiar with those thingy words that combined together? Gosh, you're not that millennial." You roll your eyes at him while your action soon trigger him.

"Bitch." He pull out a gun and shoot it beside your head, you felt the bullet run millisecond inches between your ear. You feel scared yet trying not to show any of those so that Mark won't notice his actions scares you.

"Mark, stop."


"Oh save it," Mark cutted you and look at Taehyun, his lips forming into a smirk. "Come on Y/N, choose a key. I'm about to tell you something." When Mark finished his sentence, you saw Taehyun about to stand up but soon brought him down on his knees when Mark's bodyguard make him.

"Don't you dare." Taehyun threaten while you choose the right key Mark was holding, "Sorry Kang Taehyun, your friend needs to know." Mark place the key on your lap since you're tied up on the chair.

"What do you mean, Mark?"

"What do you mean?" He look at you and laugh while you clenches your hand into a fist, "Tell me Y/N, who killed your father?" You look back at Mark, unclenching your hand once he mentioned Mr. Lee.

You get goosebumps yet emotional, you remembered the detail on how your father died. "No, it can't be." You say in unbelievable way you can, believing there is no way that it could happen.

"Remember a scarf that has a signature with a 'M'?" Your eyes widen and look at Taehyun, couldn't believe what will you hear. You didn't answered Mark's question, instead he continue, "Someone must have let you a detail. Silly him."

"Him? Who the heck is he?!" Your emotion soon turn to anger, this whole situation, this whole painful reality.

"Who is he? Who killed your father? Who deal with the love of your life to kill your father so that they'll be lend some money?" You felt weak, heavy breathes, tears falling. You can't take it anymore.

"KANG TAEHYUN!!!" You move all your body towards Taehyun, completely leaving marks on your wrist and ankles with the rope tied. "YOU TRAITOR!!"

"IT'S NOT LIKE YOU USED SOOBIN TO KEEP AN EYE TO US!" You were once again shock. Friends, betrayed you and even the love of your life's dad, wanting to kill your father.

You knew it, you knew it why Mr. Minatozaki is being nice towards you, because, he intentionally committed a crime towards you.

Mark laugh, seeing both of you fighting, seeing you being betrayed by someone you trusted the most. Seeing you breaking into pieces, that's how he likes it.

"Kang Taehyun, who shot his childhood's bestfriend dad to his shoulder and chest, wondering why police closed the case?"

You didn't answered him, instead you cried, tears start to fall onto your cheek, while Mark continue to laugh, "Because, Mr. Minatozaki told the police to shut it down so that, their company wouldn't look bad for people."

Mark smirked, approaches you and grip some onto your hair tight and aggressively make you look up yo met his gaze. You then wince in pain, don't know if he'll take your hair off of your hair.

"Do you now know how painful it was when Sana chose you? That's the feeling Y/N, I knew it from the start. The way your eyes wander around her, do you think I'm fucking blind to know you want her too?" Your eyes widened, he's right. When you first landed your eyes on Sana, it's not that nervousness that keep your heart beating fast, the way Sana loiked at you, approaches you.

Already gave butterflies.

You keep denying there's no way you can like Sana, nor love her. But here you are, Minatozaki's once the head of the company and an assistant.

Yes, she may have exes, let people fall for her but, she chose you. The assistant she never expected.

You smiled and look at Mark, "I am. I love Sa-" A groan escape from your lips when Mark gave you a fistful punch accross your cheek.

Blood spit out from your mouth, you keep spitting blood but the punch Mark gave is too powerful to make your mouth bleed more.

He laugh and look at you, "Listen bitch, I'll give you 10 hours to get out from this hell. I'll be easy. If you want to stay alive you can leave, the door is freely open for you. But, if you want to save your mom and Sana, that key is your luck if you'll be able to live, or even save them." He then loook at his watch and back at you.

"Time check, 4 in the afternoon, if I still caught you here in this abandoned apartment at 2 am, you'll rest in peace."

"Why are you un cuffing them?" You asked when you saw Mark's bodyguards un cuffing your 'friends'. "They're the reason why I have known your current status. Oh, Jungkook!" Mark then yelled and soon, a figure came in.

"You know what to do." Mark gesturebto Jungkook who he immediately understand what's the assignment he's gonna do. "But, we'll share, alright?"

"Of course, we can share, Sana." They did her dirty. "Fuck you both." Jungkook then look at you, "Oh, what a bitch." He forcely make you sit up and aim right through your stomach, with the hard kick he gave, it totally hurt the heck in you that you even fall.

Your on the floor, hands tied up on the chair, same as your ankle. The key must have flew 'cause you here the key falling making an echo in the room.

"Be careful what you say," He then attacked you with an uppercut, across your cheek, on the stomach. You're sure are strong, you're still alive and but, surely, it leaves a bruise around where Jungkook continue to punch with.

He then made you sit, still tied. Trying to catch your breath but none of you are having it. You're trying your best to keep your eyes open, the last thing you saw is Jungkook having a baseball bat and a loud bang on the door.

You weakly look at the door being banged, you saw V and Nayeon, "Y/N!"

When you felt Jungkook was about to hit you, you just closed your eyes. One thing for sure, you pass out.


Boringggg. And a spoiler alert, this book will end any soon :((.

Happy Nayeon day!!

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