Chapter 3

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"You just fucking take her first kiss Lee Y/n"

"Heck no!, Of course I-I'm not her first kiss" I said to myself believing that I'm not her first and never be the last one

"Pfft I know Sana so well.. since highschool" I heard Mark mumble the last words he's saying

"Are you saying something Mark?" I ask him while he shook his head "N-Nothing bitch" he spat on me while he walk pass by me

We are currently walking home and I swear after that incident with Ms. Sana and Mr. Kim I can't focus on my work 

Is just like I want more

I told Mark what happened and seem he began speaking harsh words on me, more likely spating some bad words on me

Like he know Sana well.. like how well he knows her?

Oh heck I know Sana had dated some boys I swear she dated some b-

"Bitch what are you taking so long!?" Mark yelled from a far while I rolled my eyes on him then run after Mark


I am now here at our backyard, laying on our bushes, I let our a satisfying sigh seeing the stars shine so bright while the moon is beautiful as ever 

While I have Mark by my side, his right arm resting his head

"Do you know how to confess to the one of your love without actually saying it to them?" Mark ask out of no where then get confused

"Isn't easy just to say 'I Love You' with the girl or boy that you dream of?" I look at him out smarting him

"We're not like you Y/n, easily saying that I Love You, of course there are some who is nervous as hell and fall in love deep" I look at him a lil disgust

"月が綺麗ですね" I was surprise what Mark is saying

"Pardon?, I can't understand a thing" I look at him and rolled my eyes leaving me hear a chuckle from him

I am still confused what he is saying

tsuki ga kirei desu ne 

huh?, what does he mean

"It is the way to say I love you in Japanese, tsuki ga kirei desu ne"

"Well what does it mean?"

"The moon is beautiful isn't it?" Mark said while he look at me, with his charming eyes

Wait. Wait. WAIT!!!!!!


"Did you just say 'I love you' to me?" I ask while I hear him chuckle 

"I'm just teaching you how to say I love you without actually saying it" He said and look at the moon


"G-Good morning.. M-Miss Sana" the heck Y/n stop stuttering 

"M-Morning Y/n, please take a seat"


"I have an announcement" Ms. Sana softly said but I guess no one was listening

"Uhh excuse me people, Ms. Sana is trying to talk her kinda listen like a minute or second??" I say it a lil loud for them to hear me

"Thank you Y/n"

"Now since I have a contract with Ms. Park which she is on a vacation, I will meet her, I will not be in this company for 3 days ok?, Bang Chan will be in charge for 3 days and 2 nights"

[√] MY Assistant  || MN. Sana X Fem.ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now