Chapter 21

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4 Days Later.


"Chae!" You hug your dearest bestfriend, want to embrace her to let out the pain in you.

"What about meeeee?" V ask, popping out from nowhere while you and Chaeyoung releases each other's embrace and you hug V, he hug you back.

"What's for lunch?" You ask after breaking the hug between you and V. "We'll go a café, the nearest here." Chaeyoung said while both of you nodded and head your ways there.

Monday. Who's your boss? Sana's dad, her mom usually want Mark to be with her but to her surprise, she saw Sana with Jungkook.

Rumors spread, Jungkook and Sana sre dating. Later on, on Saturday, they both confirmed it.

On Thursday.

You and Sana have arrived at the restaurant you and the boys love. You were having fun and laughter fillied your table until Sana's phone buzz.

She took it out and saw a message. You, sitting beside her decided to check it out with glancing secretly at her phone.

She opened the message and saw it was from Jungkook, saying, "Let's meet up, I miss you."

You saw Sana smiled, you felt your heart broke into pieces, just like a glass, someone has thrown a hammer and broke it.

She replied with, "Let's meet up at our favorite café." With that, Sana bid her goodbye and left the restaurant.

Present Time.



"Turn around."

"What? No, I'm enjoying my coffee here, my coffee is more important than some bitch." You retorted, sipping on your coffee and moaning at the tasteness that your tongue felt.


"Hey, mind if I sit beside you guys?"

"That sit is-"

"Yes, you can." V said while you look at him and frowned. Why does V act nicely at Sana? After all the time, Jungkook and Sana been together, he's just gotta let it out and moved on?

"How's life?"


"It's fine, great." V cutted me off while I look at him, saying with my eyes; "Bitch, what are you saying?"

"What did you say, Y/N?"

"Nothing, soon to be Mrs. Jeon." You said almost sarcastically and smile bitterly before adding, "May I go get some fresh air? Something inside me can't breath." Which means your heart. Not that, you have a cancer, it's that, you can't face Sana without feelings lingering in you.

Leaving in the restaurant, without hearing a reply of 'no', you find a bench, across the café and decided to sit on it.

You felt sad, depress, heartbroken, just like when your dad has gone. You didn't notice, a tear drop onto your eye, streaming down onto your cheeks, your heart screamed loudly, "I love you, Minatozaki Sana." But it was no use, her heart is already taken by someone, someone who has a higher position than yours.

You're not her assistant anymore, You're her former one.

You cried, silently, letting the pain all out in you, when suddenly, you felt a weight sit beside you, you look beside you and see a cute boy, looking at you worriedly.

"Are you okay, noona?" He ask, while you wipe your tears off your cheeks and look at him, trying yourself to put up a smile.

A tear once again stream your cheek, the boy slowly wipe it with his thumb making you shock at his action. "Noona, why are you crying?" He ask while you hold his hand and give him a smile.

"What's your name, kid?"


"Why are you here alone?" You ask, avoiding the question Sunoo has ask, "I'm waiting for my best friend."

"Who is your bestfriend, Sunoo?"

"Ni-ki! He's a Japanese kid and good at dancing. Wooh! Yah!" He said and make small dances which you found cute. When he stop dancing, he look at you, "Are you waiting for someone, noona?" He ask while you sigh and look at the café across you.

"I'm not waiting for someone," You slowly confessed. "Instead, I'm here, getting some fresh air. Do you like, Ni-ki?" You ask, making the boy blush and saw his red cheeks. You giggle at the cute sight while he slowly nodded.

"Do he feel the same way?" When you ask that question, he slowly look down, head low and see him sulking. He shakes his head while you sigh.

"I know you're still young but, the way her eyes sparkle when talking about him, the way she's happy when around him. Gosh, Jungkook is so lucky to have her in life," You're mesmerized at the thought of Jungkook, spending time with the love of his life.

"But, he might not know I was once hers," You continue while you saw a car parked in front of the café, it was Jungkook's car waiting for Sana. She then came out in the café while Jungkook went out in the car and greeted her.

Greeted her with a peck on the lips, your heart once again broke, the sight of you, sitting across them pecking each other's lips, it's so visible, you like caught them in 4k.

"She once recall me as hers, and I recall her as mine. My boss, to her view, she saw me as MY Assistant."

You saw Jungkook and Sana, hug and embrace each other, Sunoo went close to you and felt her small hands hug your arm, sign of comforting you.

You're a cry baby, (sorry if I may offend someone) you hug Sunoo tight, feeling that it was Sana, the Sana you lost and someone stole her.

"Noona, is he your friend?" While Sunoo pat your back, you look up and met with V's gaze. He seems happy, more like sad but happy for Sana and Jungkook.

"Y-Y/N." He call your name, it's the first time you heard him stutter, falling down onto his knees, tears ran down on his cheeks, he cry, cry and cry.

You made him stand up and sit beside you, while Sunoo is on your lap. Sunoo look at V, he urge to reach onto his shoulder and put his hand onto it. When V felt a hand on to his shoulder, he look at him.

"Are you okay hyung? Do you feel what noona felt? The person you love the most love someone else?"

[√] MY Assistant  || MN. Sana X Fem.ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now