Chapter 6

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So after all this time it's all a lie? 

"And then they both saw me and quickly stop kissing each other" Taehyun said and look at the skies remembering the scene Sana and Mark had

I feel my body gets heavy especially my eyes 

So when Sana said I was her first kiss was a lie and Mark as well? 1 word that runs through my mind is the word Lie

I try to laugh it off but it gets even worse 

How the heck did I even fall for her?? I scream in my mind while tears run through my cheeks 

"You ok Y/n?" I heard Taehyun worriedly ask me and put his hand on my back, comforting me

I sniff and look at him then smiled before saying "I'm fine" 

"Why did you ask about him?" he ask while I smile fakely 

"He's my co-worker under Minatozaki Inc" I said but he seem just nod not that shock 

I remember Sana explain she slowly catches feelings about Mark..



"Ohh really?" Y/n ask trying her best not to crack her voice while Sana nods slowly.. smiling 

"He's a boyfriend material I should say" Sana continue to explain while Y/n look down nothing to do, eyes watery, ears listening, mouth shut, heart aching. 

"Sadly I had to go to New York to study business that's why Mark and I broke up" Sana continue to explain not even glancing at Y/n who is now eager to cry out what she's feeling 

"I-I'm a bit sleepy Sana, I'll go to sleep" Y/n said and head to Sana's car

Sana shook her head and look at Y/n who fastly head on her car

"Did I said something wrong?, she was asking about me and Mark" Sana ask herself before heading in their tent and drift to sleep


"Ms. Sana, Ms. Park's assistant just texted me and said that your meeting with her just move on next week, so we will just go home" Y/n explains while Sana rub her eyes waking up at 6:45 in the morning 

"Why so early?" Sana whines "I should go you to your company Ms. Sana"

"How many times call me San-" 

"You're my boss I should respect you" Y/n said making Sana shock, never in her life had that kind attitude she receive on her former assistants 

"Your'e my girlfriend right?" Sana pouts but it's no use for Y/n who is now hurt and a bit numb 

"I just did that to save you from Mr.Kim, now may I take a day off?" Y/n ask while Sana who shake her head immediately 

"Yahh no!" Sana said

"I texted Mark and he is willing to assist you" Y/n said and Sana realize that Y/n is hurt for the harsh thing she said last night

"Y/n-ssi I don't have feelings to Mark.. for now" Sana said and whisper the last part 

"Ms. Sana I'm sorry to say but I don't have such feelings for you, you're my boss and I am you're assistant there's no way I can fall in love to you, I'm focused on my work Ms. Sana, and no. You're not my girlfriend" Y/n bravely said every detail that is lingering her mind to say but her heart don't want to, but she knows this is for the best to the both of them

With those words Y/n has said, Sana felt a jab in her heart, she knows that Y/n is her assistant but.. that's true love, there's no such thing can beat love. 

"I-I understand Y/-" 

"Please call me by my full name" Sana sighs and said "Ms. Lee Y/n" 

"Mark is waiting for you, there maybe schedules today and I have somewhere to go Ms. Sana" 

"Where are you going?" Sana ask seriously dressing herself with work outfit while Y/n release a silent chuckle

"My best childhood friend" Y/n said and smile at the thought she can visit him 

"Is the person a she?"

"No a he" Y/n said while Sana exits the tent and Y/n unfolded the tent

"I thought Mark is your-" 

"I trusted my childhood bestfriend the most, he knows me well, been there during my ups and downs" Y/n continue to explain while Sana releases heavy sighs

How come I can't be that person? those words run through Sana's mind hearing such sweet words about Y/n's childhood friend Y/n releases from her lips 



"Y/n noona, Huening Kai is cheating!!" Taehyun yelled headlocking Huening Kai while the other members laugh on how Taehyun is determined to win the UNO game they're playing 

"Yahh Taehyun-ssi is ok to cheat" I playfully said after watching my hands and look at both of them, Huening Kai smirking while Taehyun secretly pouts 

"Yahh come here" Beomgyu said then giggles opening his arms while Taehyun slowly approaches him 

I look around and see everyone flirting, I get the shivers on my body 

"The heck get a room" I said while they rolled they're eyes 

"Too sad you don't have a partner" Soobin tease while I just chuckle 

"It's fun to be single anyways" 


"Where had you been?" Sana ask me while I slowly walk to my desk while I sigh deeply 

I don't want to go to work, like all the lies she had been told 

"I've been texting you all night no replies" she said while I shook my head and get my phone and seen a lot of messages came from Sana 

"I was in my childhood's bestfriend house remember?, We were partying last night and played games so that's why I couldn't hear your messages" I said then placing my stuffs on my desk while Sana continue to stare at me 

"What's wrong with you huh?" Sana said while I give her a silent treatment and continue what is my work in their company

"You had a meeting with Mr. Kim" I said and look at her making her frown 

"Decline that meeting" she said while I nodded, declining that meeting

"Where's Mark?, you're not with him today" she said worriedly while I rolled my eyes 

"I don't know, why would you ask me anyways" 

"What do you mean?" I release a bitter chuckle 

"Can I resign Ms. Minatozaki Sana?"


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