Chapter 24

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"Minatozaki Sana and Lee Y/N had offically dating. Mrs. Minatozaki confessed that the Jungkook and Sana news are a cover up for her daughter and assistant dating,

'Everything is planned' said Mrs. Minatozaki with a force smile on her lips.

That's all for the news today."


"They won't know."

"Honey, what do you mean? She's with the person you asked to be killed."

"The father want to be killed, now keep your mouth shush so we can't get in trouble."

"We are already."

"She's too dumb. She won't figure it out, she's been drown."


"Good morning baby." You greeted and back hug your girlfriend, Sana. You sniff onto her scent. You can guess your girlfriend even if your eyes are close by sniffing to her scent. Her strawberry-vanilla scent.

"Good morning hubby." She reply with a smile and hold onto your hands. The back hug is usually your favorite hug. Sana look at you and kiss your cheek softly making butterflies explode to your stomach.

You and Sana have been dating for a month now, both of you decided to tell it to public since other company's photographers are seeking to your privacy.

Mr. Minatozaki and Mrs. Minatozaki both are acting strange, especially Mrs. Minatozaki.

You knew that she don't want you to be with Sana, but love never knows about the word 'distance' when both of you are connected to each other.

Mr. Minatozaki is the chill owner g in your view, he keeps everything settled and you found it cool on how awesome it is.

Mark haven't came to work ever since Mr. Minatozaki came by, no one knows where he is or what he's up to. It's no one business anyway.

"What do you want to eat?"


"You're kinda rough last night."

"I just used two fingers and you'll say I was kinda rough?"

"I'm limping, Y/N." She replied and pouted, you clearly saw her in your bedroom on how painful she is when she walks. You chuckle but still feel bad about her.

You regret shoving a toy in her.

"Want me to carry you?"

"Yes, please!" She excitedly jump onto your back without you being prepared to her weight, but part of you know that she's not that heavy, she's light, your shining light. (Eyyy)


You were heading at your childhood bestfriend's house since your out time in the company is a bit early because of Mr. Minatozaki and Mrs. Minatozaki have to discuss something. It's always like that. So everytime you came work, you'll be out early.

But this time, you didn't remind your friends, you thought your out will be the regular out of your time but surprisingly, Mrs. Minatozaki wants to talk to her husband.

Your at Taehyun's front door, you didn't mean to eavesdrop 'cause you were about to knock on the door but words stopped you.

"You know, there's one time Y/N did something insane." Taehyun made a topic between him, Huening Kai and Beomgyu. Curiosity hitted them and soon Beomgyu and Huening spit words what happened.

"She once made this account, I don't know the reason-"

"You mean the account the account in our group chat?"



"I knew it! Haha!" Huening said and jumped in happiness. You were left, dumbfounded and a hurtful stab onto your heart.

You trusted him.

It's a silly thing but a part of you really trusted him.

"H-How could he do this to me?" You ask yourself but you didn't realize your tears have started falling onto your cheeks. Your hand, shaking, the numbness your feeling, the betrayal you felt.

You continue to ask yourself How? He broke your trust to him. You sighed deeply, you tell to yourself "it's fine, it's alright, just a little bite from a dinosaur, it didn't hurt, right?"

You ask yourself and soon felt your body shivers and tears kept running but you immediately wiped it with your thumb. With all the joy hearing from inside, you decided to keep your distance away from them.

You sighed and turned around, walked all the way to your house, takes 15 minutes and with that, you're greeted by your girlfriend.

She look at you a bit confused, she has some meetings, she's still the daughter of Minatozaki, of course she's busy.

She excused herself to the clients she's talking, she don't care if it's a disrepectful action but you came to her view. Your eyes are swollen and when you first stepped into the house, you felt your knees became weak.

It's dumb 'cause your crying about a simple thing that Taehyun had done but, it's a huge impact for breaking that trust.

"What happened? Why are you early baby? Did you cry? What happened?" She continue to attack wirh worrying questions while you hug her, tears start to fall onto your cheeks, knees becoming weak and your embrace to Sana became tight.

"Y/N, baby." She said, a tone on her voice worried, disappointed and sad. It's a mix 'cause she couldn't took care of you, that's why she's disappointed. Can't be seeing you crying, that's why she's sad. Walking home early, with swollen eyes, that's why she's worried.

Sana can't think properly, she rubs her thumb on your back few seconds, trying to think how would she help you, but insecurities are taking over her.

"Y/N? Do you wanna go out?" You nodded, she smiled, feeling relief and softly make you sit on the couch. Her clients are waiting for her since she excused herself, but soon, she ended their meeting and ask for another day/time to put up a meeting with her.

With the sound of Sana's laptop closing, you look at her and hug her one more. You needed a hug, you snuggle more. The boss giggle, "Are we gpimg out or going to bed?"

"Going out then when we got home going to bed?" She pushed you, not that harshly but in a playful way. You laugh while Sana is left pouting.

"Just kidding baby, we'll head out and go home to rest, is that good?" She nodded. You smiled and held onto her hand, you both headed outside and decided to go onto a park.


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