Chapter 12

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"Do you have someone in mind lately?" Y/N ask and look up at Sana, their faces are inches away. Sana then smiled and stroke Y/N's hair softly before answering a Yes.

They were cute and lovely dove birds who just fall in love, Y/N who's complimenting Sana, she don't even realize that she's saying how in love she is to Sana.

Sana on the other hand get flustered on how great and fluttering Y/N's compliment were.

"You're so beautiful."

"You're so fucking cute."

"You're so damn perfect Sana."

I mean who wouldn't? We all agree that she's a goddess came down from the above.

Sana then wrap her legs around Y/N's waist signaling her that she's tired and the clouds are a little bit gloomy.

And Y/N, who thought gonna fuck her, she thinks that she'll thrust her hips along with Sana's and let her moan her name until the neighborhood and the world know who's fucking her.

But of course they can't because they're not that official or a couple. I mean maybe, soon?

"Y/N, get me on bed, your squirrel is tired." Sana cutely whine making Y/N blush and her heart beat start to go fast.

They start calling each other such as hobby and wifey or even sweetheart and honey. They both know they're such a snakes.

Y/N then softly carry HER squirrel on bed but the problem is Sana haven't release her legs on Y/N's waist.

"Uhh Sana, you can let go-" Y/N was pulled by Sana making her on top of her once again.

The feeling of being a top on bed is like being the dominant between a couple.

"I heard there's gonna be a thunderstorm, stay with me for a while, Y/N." Sana said before a drizzle start to pour.

Y/N shook her head then nod after while before comfortably laying beside Sana. The latter admired her boss's visual. Her orbs, her lips and her pointed nose is just perfect as is it.

Y/N didn't notice that she's smiling while looking at Sana.

She didn't notice as well that she have fallen to her boss.

Sana, who's distracted by paying with Y/N's tie, she sense that someone is looking at her, more like staring.

She slowly look up and to be seen that her assistant is staring at her with admiration in her eyes.

"Y/N, I might melt." Sana said making her assistant shook her head and make her back to reality.

"I mean, you're so damn perfect Sana." The latter replied and smile at her boss. Sana then chuckle and back to playing with Y/N's tie.

"Are you gonna sleep with this formal suit of yours?" Sana ask before going on to Y/N's stomach and trail her hands on her assistant's nape, removing her tie.

As Y/N's point of view, imagining on how beautiful she is above her, her melons are so fluffy to touch yet going to be addictive.

In this hot tension coming between them, Y/N badly want to crash her lips onto her boss's lips.

Sana then successfully removed her assistant's tie and throw it somewhere, just like when some couple is going to have sex.

Y/N then secretly lick her lips when Sana softly laid her soft hand beside Y/N's neck then to her shoulder.

Sana then smirk and then straddle on Y/N's lap, and Y/N is not that a bit hard, yet.

Sana slowly unbutton three buttons on the upper part of Y/N's polo, leaving a little clear view for Y/N's sport bra.

Now the squirrel, unbutton three buttons as well on the lower part of the polo with a clear view for the toned stomach Y/N owns.

The drizzle becomes a heavy rain, it might be cold but the tension between the assistant and the boss is getting the room hot.

A thunder came out making Sana yelp and hug her assistant tight as she can.

Y/N who pretty know Sana is afraid of thunder, softly comfort Sana with a soft yet comfortable hug.

A smirk came out in Sana's lips. She then went on Y/N's chest and roam her hands onto Y/N's toned stomach.

Although they didn't confess their feelings to each other, yet they are being a hot couple.

Y/N get startled and chuckle afterwards. She then softly rub Sana's back, to drift her to her slumber. Same as Y/N.



I woke up and yawn when the sun greets my face. I slowly scratch the back of my head then stand up.

I look around and.. no sign of Y/N.

I thought of she's in the bathroom, she's not there.

I went downstairs in the living room, she's not there either. I call one of my maids to ask where have MY assistant been.

"Ms. Sana, Y/N just got home with a messy polo and a messy tie." One of my maids said and suspect me.

"Did you two had-"

"No! Yah no!" I blushed on how they suspect me, and on how I get Y/N so messy.

It's just, I love her.

"Oh, Ms. Y/N made breakfast for you Ms. Sana, she even got a letter." My maid said and I glared at her.

"How did you know Y/N left a letter? Hmm?" I suspect her while she slowly shook her head and still stayed calm.

"She told me that, she wants you to read it because it's special."

"Did you read it?"

"Oh hell nah Ms. Sana, she's all yours."

"Well you have Dahyun anyways. And stop calling me 'Ms.'"

"Got it, Sana.. unnie." I chuckle on how respectful she is and on how she called me 'unnie.'  I slowly went in the kitchen and found a pancakes with a chocolate syrup at the top with a shape of a heart.

Is this how it feels to be Y/N's girlfriend? I mean soon to be though.

I excitedly eat my pancakes and read the letter.

Hey Sana!

        I want to say that I'm sorry I didn't wake you up, it's just my mom called me and it was an emergency. One of the maids saw me with a messy tie and a messy polo, they might suspect that we did it. So hope the pancakes make it better! Hope you had a fun day, and I'll try my best to catch up at work, squirrel.

- Y/N 💖

"You're right it is special.. Tzuyu."


I'm the type of author who writes a fluff but had a dirty mind instead to put on. Idk if u get it but.. u'll never expect a cute fluff to me lol.

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